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Hungarian from English Course Data (51 Units)

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Hungarian from English Course Data (51 Units)

Post by MatOzone »

Hungarian from English 51 units (2023-Mar-07):
NOT CEFR aligned
430 levels ㅤ1926 lessons ㅤNO Stories
Path imageHintsWords
numberOfSentences=7338 ㅤ numberOfWords=2367ㅤ JSON

Units 41 to 51 are personalized, with alternative names.

Unit 1 Greet people, identify people and things (Guidebook)
Alternative name Learn simple sentences and fundamental concepts
5, 7, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal
Phrases, Basic 1, Chest, Phrases, Review

Unit 2 Introduce yourself, describe actions (Guidebook)
Alternative name Learn useful phrases for everyday conversations
2, 7, Chest, 4, 5, 5, 2, Chest, 7, 1 = Goal
Names, Basic 1, Chest, Practice, Phrases, Basic 2, Names, Chest, Basic 1, Review

Unit 3 Identify professions, locate places in a city (Guidebook)
4, 6, Chest, 5, 2, 4, 4, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal
Jobs, Practice, Chest, Basic 2, Names, Places 1, Jobs, Chest, Basic 2, Practice, Review

Unit 4 Talk about actions, form direct objects (Guidebook)
5, 4, Chest, 4, 6, 5, 5, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
V-1 Pres-S, Places 1, Chest, Jobs, Accusative, V-1 Pres-S, Practice, Chest, Places 1, Review

Unit 5 Use plural direct objects, express actions (Guidebook)
10, 6, 5, Chest, 10, 6, Chest, 10, 6, 1 = Goal
PlAcc-1, Accusative, V-1 Pres-S, Chest, PlAcc-2, Practice, Chest, PlAcc-1, Accusative, Review

Unit 6 Talk about nations, describe things (Guidebook)
4, 10, Chest, 10, 5, 5, 4, Chest, 10, 1 = Goal
Nations, PlAcc-2, Chest, PlAcc-1, Practice, Adject. 1, Nations, Chest, PlAcc-2, Review

Unit 7 Tell what you do, use definite verb forms (Guidebook)
7, 5, 5, Chest, 4, 4, Chest, 7, 5, 1 = Goal
V-2 Pres-P, Practice, Adject. 1, Chest, Nations, Def Conj, Chest, V-2 Pres-P, Practice, Review

Unit 8 Express time, refer to me and you (Guidebook)
5, 7, Chest, 4, 7, 5, 3, Chest, 7, 1 = Goal
Adject. 1, Date&Time, Chest, Def Conj, V-2 Pres-P, Practice, Me & You, Chest, Date&Time, Review

Unit 9 Use this and that, express quantity (Guidebook)
4, 6, Chest, 5, 3, 7, 5, Chest, 6, 5, 1 = Goal
Def Conj, Choices 1, Chest, Practice, Me & You, Date&Time, Numbers 1, Chest, Choices 1, Practice, Review

Unit 10 Talk about being inside, show what is on top (Guidebook)
3, 4, Chest, 5, 6, 5, 4, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Me & You, Inside, Chest, Numbers 1, Choices 1, Practice, On Top, Chest, Inside, Review

Unit 11 Say what is beside, talk about home (Guidebook)
5, 4, 5, Chest, 4, 4, 7, Chest, 4, 5, 1 = Goal
Numbers 1, Beside, Practice, Chest, On Top, Inside, Household, Chest, Beside, Practice, Review

Unit 12 Describe outfits, talk about colors (Guidebook)
4, 4, Chest, 7, 4, 5, 3, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
On Top, Clothing, Chest, Household, Beside, Practice, Colors, Chest, Clothing, Review

Unit 13 Refer to things, use ordinal numbers (Guidebook)
7, 4, 5, 3, Chest, 4, 5, Chest, 4, 5, 1 = Goal
Household, Choices 2, Practice, Colors, Chest, Clothing, Ordinals, Chest, Choices 2, Practice, Review

Unit 14 Talk about animals, describe movement into (Guidebook)
3, 8, Chest, 5, 4, 5, 2, Chest, 8, 1 = Goal
Colors, Animals, Chest, Ordinals, Choices 2, Practice, Into, Chest, Animals, Review

Unit 15 Discuss direction, describe movement toward (Guidebook)
5, 2, Chest, 5, 2, 8, 2, Chest, 2, 5, 1 = Goal
Ordinals, Onto, Chest, Practice, Into, Animals, Toward, Chest, Onto, Practice, Review

Unit 16 Show direction, discuss movement into (Guidebook)
2, 10, Chest, 2, 2, 5, 5, Chest, 10, 1 = Goal
Into, Preverbs, Chest, Toward, Onto, Practice, Into 2, Chest, Preverbs, Review

Unit 17 Describe direction, discuss movement toward (Guidebook)
2, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 10, 6, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal
Toward, Onto 2, Practice, Chest, Into 2, Preverbs, Toward 2, Chest, Onto 2, Practice, Review

Unit 18 State geography facts, indicate direction (Guidebook)
5, 6, Chest, 6, 5, 5, 3, Chest, 6, 1 = Goal
Into 2, Geography, Chest, Toward 2, Onto 2, Practice, Choices 3, Chest, Geography, Review

Unit 19 Describe placement, talk about quality (Guidebook)
6, 3, 5, Chest, 3, 6, Chest, 8, 4, 1 = Goal
Toward 2, Goal, Practice, Chest, Choices 3, Geography, Chest, Adject. 2, Practice, Review

Unit 20 Express direction, discuss origin (Guidebook)
3, 3, 10, Chest, 4, 8, 3, 5, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Goal, Choices 3, Preverbs 2, Chest, Practice, Adject. 2, Goal, Out of, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 21 Show the source, talk about moving away (Guidebook)
10, 8, Chest, 6, 4, 5, 10, Chest, 4, 4, 1 = Goal
Preverbs 2, Adject. 2, Chest, Down from, Practice, Out of, Preverbs 2, Chest, Away from, Practice, Review

Unit 22 Use noun suffixes, express origin (Guidebook)
6, 5, 3, 4, Chest, 4, 6, 2, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Down from, Out of, Choices 4, Practice, Chest, Away from, Down from, Origin, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 23 Describe directions, discover a city (Guidebook)
3, 4, 4, Chest, 4, 2, 3, Chest, 6, 4, 1 = Goal
Choices 4, Away from, Directions, Chest, Practice, Origin, Choices 4, Chest, Places 2, Practice, Review

Unit 24 Express movements, identify directions (Guidebook)
4, 2, Chest, 5, 4, 6, 4, 10, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Directions, Origin, Chest, Dir.Con. 1, Practice, Places 2, Directions, Dir.Con. 2, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 25 Describe movements, talk about math (Guidebook)
5, 6, 4, 4, Chest, 10, 5, Chest, 4, 4, 1 = Goal
Dir.Con. 1, Places 2, Dir.Con. 3, Practice, Chest, Dir.Con. 2, Dir.Con. 1, Chest, Math, Practice, Review

Unit 26 Express similarities, use every and none (Guidebook)
4, 10, 3, Chest, 4, 4, 4, 8, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Dir.Con. 3, Dir.Con. 2, Adj. Con., Chest, Practice, Math, Dir.Con. 3, Pronouns, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 27 Use every- and somewhere, form the possessive (Guidebook)
3, 4, Chest, 6, 4, 8, 3, Chest, 8, 4, 1 = Goal
Adj. Con., Math, Chest, Somewhere, Practice, Pronouns, Adj. Con., Chest, Possess. 1, Practice, Review

Unit 28 Talk about possessions (Guidebook)
6, 8, 5, 4, Chest, 8, 6, 6, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Somewhere, Pronouns, To have 1, Practice, Chest, Possess. 1, Somewhere, Family, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 29 Form the possesive, say what you have (Guidebook)
5, 8, 7, Chest, 4, 6, 5, Chest, 6, 4, 1 = Goal
To have 1, Possess. 1, Possess. 2, Chest, Practice, Family, To have 1, Chest, To have 2, Practice, Review

Unit 30 Tell what people have, add two word endings (Guidebook)
7, 6, Chest, 4, 4, 6, 7, 5, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Possess. 2, Family, Chest, Choices 5, Practice, To have 2, Possess. 2, Adv. Poss., Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 31 Talk about the body, refer to origin (Guidebook)
4, 6, 6, 4, Chest, 5, 4, Chest, 3, 4, 1 = Goal
Choices 5, To have 2, Body Parts, Practice, Chest, Adv. Poss., Choices 5, Chest, Origin 2, Practice, Review

Unit 32 Talk about position, refer to a destination (Guidebook)
6, 5, 3, Chest, 4, 3, 6, 3, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Body Parts, Adv. Poss., Position, Chest, Practice, Origin 2, Body Parts, Goal 2, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 33 Identify origin, talk about position (Guidebook)
3, 3, Chest, 3, 4, 3, 3, Chest, 3, 4, 1 = Goal
Position, Origin 2, Chest, Source Pr., Practice, Goal 2, Position, Chest, Posit. Pr., Practice, Review

Unit 34 Identify a destination (Guidebook)
3, 3, 3, 4, Chest, 3, 3, 7, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Source Pr., Goal 2, Goal Pr., Practice, Chest, Posit. Pr., Source Pr., Plu. Poss., Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 35 Discuss what others have, form the past tense (Guidebook)
3, 3, 3, Chest, 4, 7, 3, Chest, 10, 4, 1 = Goal
Goal Pr., Posit. Pr., Choices 6, Chest, Practice, Plu. Poss., Goal Pr., Chest, Past1, Practice, Review

Unit 36 Talk about food, express causes (Guidebook)
3, 7, Chest, 8, 4, 10, 3, 4, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Choices 6, Plu. Poss., Chest, Food, Practice, Past1, Choices 6, Linking, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 37 Use the past tense, describe quantities (Guidebook)
8, 10, 8, 4, Chest, 4, 8, Chest, 4, 4, 1 = Goal
Food, Past1, Past 2, Practice, Chest, Linking, Food, Chest, Acc. Numb., Practice, Review

Unit 38 Practice verb conjugation, identify objects (Guidebook)
8, 4, 4, Chest, 4, 4, 8, 4, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Past 2, Linking, Practice, Chest, Practice, Acc. Numb., Past 2, Choices 7, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 39 Express opinions, talk about people's things (Guidebook)
4, 4, Chest, 2, 4, 4, 4, Chest, 4, 4, 1 = Goal
Practice, Acc. Numb., Chest, Quoting, Practice, Choices 7, Practice, Chest, PossObj, Practice, Review

Unit 40 Describe movement toward, state geography facts, discuss origin, describe directions
2, 4, Chest, 4, 4, 2, 4, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal
Quoting, Choices 7, Chest, PossObj, Practice, Quoting, PossObj, Chest, Path Extension Practice, Review

Path Extension Practices:

Unit 41
5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 42
5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 43
5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 44
5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 45
5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 46
5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 47
5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 48
5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 49
5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 50
5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 51
5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

ㅤㅤ Image

Each Goal has 8 challenges, to get the Legendary trophy

Each Unit has Levels and Chests, and each Level has Lessons.
Each Lesson has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Goal has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Challenge has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)

I fully support 🇺🇦!

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