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One Thing

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One Thing

Post by dakanga »

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Une chose

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🎭 Lucie ; Lin ; 🔊 : narratrice / narrateur

🔊 Lucie est à la maison avec sa petite-fille, Lin.
Lucie : Oh, non ! Nous n'avons pas de pain !
Lin : Ah ! Tu vas au supermarché ?
Lucie : Oui, je veux une baguette pour mon sandwich.
Lin : Tu peux acheter une chose pour moi ?
Lucie : Une chose ?
Lin : Oui, une tomate, s'il te plaît.
Lin : C'est pour ma salade.
Lucie : D'accord.
Lin : Merci !
Lin : Ah ! Et... trois croissants.
Lucie : D'accord...
Lin : Et une bouteille d'eau...
Lucie : Lin...
Lin : Et deux oranges, s'il te plaît.
Lucie : Hmm... J'ai une idée.
Lucie : Lin, tu vas au supermarché !
Lin : Euh… moi ?
Lucie : Oui ! Moi, je veux juste une chose : une baguette !

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Re: Duolingo Stories : One Thing

Post by dakanga »

Why do we use de pain and du pain.

Originally Posted by EithnePlease
de is used after "pas" .... du is just the contraction of de + le. So, you'd say, "Je voudrais du pain" ( I want some) and saying that same thing in the negative would be: "Je ne voudrais pas de pain" (I wouldn't like any)

Originally Posted by Jojo553168
And you would use de after un peu, beaucoup, trop... and in other situations, depending on what's right before in the sentence.
Tu manges trop de pain !
J'ai acheté beaucoup de pain.
Veux-tu un peu de pain ?
Donne-moi un morceau de pain.
J'ai envie de pain et de chocolat.

Otherwise it will often be du (some)
J'achète du pain ?
Va prendre du pain à la boulangerie.
Pense à prendre du / le pain en rentrant.

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Re: Duolingo Stories : One Thing

Post by dakanga »

How do you use sa / son ?

Originally Posted by EithnePlease
It's important to remember not to worry about the gender of the person who is doing the possessing. You just need to consider if the noun being possessed (by he or she or it) is masculine or feminine. In the masculine singular, you use :son"... like "son livre" or "son chien". If you want to pluralize those things, you'd say "ses livres" and "ses chiens". If the noun being possessed is feminine singular, (by he or she or it), you'd use "sa"... like "sa chaise," or "sa voiture." The plural of those would be "ses chaises" and "ses voitures." The only exception to that rule would be if the feminine noun begins with a vowel or silent h.... you'd have to use "son" "son amie" or "son aventure." This rule also applies to mon and ton and ma and sa.

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Re: Duolingo Stories : One Thing

Post by dakanga »

Why s'il te plaît. ?

In particular what does the te mean ?
How does it differ from tu ?

How does it differ from vous ?
As in s'il vous plaît.

Originally Posted by Jojo553168
"Te" is a reflexive pronoun, whereas "tu" is a subject pronoun. Think "if it is pleasing to you" "Te" is the "you" in that statement, and "il" is "it." In other words, the infinitive is se plaire, and when you conjugate it, you have to set it up like that.

Hold on a minute, te is an indirect object pronoun in this case and the infinitive ist not se plaire but only plaire. You can not compare it to wash yourself. Here is an explanation of the structure (with a bad word-to-word translation):

S'il te plaît.

If it pleases you

And it would be the same for s'il vous plaît

Originally Posted by Jojo553168
te is an indirect object pronoun in this case and the infinitive ist not se plaire but only plaire. You can not compare it to wash yourself. Here is an explanation of the structure (with a bad word-to-word translation):

S'il te plaît.

If it pleases you

And it would be the same for s'il vous plaît

Originally Posted by Tracy382545

Also, I use "vous" far more because it's formal UNLESS I really know someone, THEN , I use the "tu" form. I was taught that by my french native teacher.

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Re: Duolingo Stories : One Thing

Post by dakanga »

Word list Draft 1 for current story

  • à la maision (at home)
  • ah (ah)
  • acheter (buy)
  • au (to the)
  • au supermarché (to the supermarket)
  • avec (with) 🌟
  • chose (thing)🌟
  • C'est (it's)
  • croissants (croissants)
  • D'accord. (ok)
  • d'eau (water)
  • de pain (any bread)
  • deux (two)
  • (il/elle/on) est
  • et (and)
  • euh (uh)
  • Hmm (hmm)
  • idée (idea)
  • J'ai (I have)
  • je veux (I want)
  • juste (just)
  • la maison (the house)
  • ma salade (my salad)
  • Merci ! (thank you) 🌟
  • moi (me)
  • mon sandwich (my sandwich)
  • non (no)
  • nous (we)
  • nous n'avons pas (we don't have)
  • oranges (oranges)
  • oui (yes)
  • sa petite-fille (her granddaughter) 🌟
  • pour (for)
  • quoi (why) 🌟
  • s'il te plaît (please) 🌟
  • supermarché (supermarket)
  • trois (three)
  • tu peux (you can)
  • tu vas (you are going)
  • une (one)
  • une baguette (a baguette)
  • une bouteille (a bottle) 🌟
  • une chose (one thing)
  • une idée (an idea)
  • une tomate (a tomatoe) 🌟
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Re: Duolingo Stories : One Thing

Post by dakanga »


  • Lin and Lucie have a lot of bread.
    No, that's wrong.
    Yes, that's right.
  • Select the missing phrase
    C'est pour ...
    la limonade.
    mon salut.
    ma salade.
  • Form the sentence
    s'il te plaît ; oranges ; Et deux
  • What comes next?
    Lin, tu vas ...
    au supermarché
    dans le métro
    en Europe
  • Why does Lucie tell Lin to go to the supermarket?
    She doesn't need bread anymore.
    Lin wants her to buy a lot of stuff.
    Lin needs supplies for her sandwich shop.

Words and Phrases Summary

as identified by Duolingo

bottle bouteille
bread pain
granddaughter petite-fille
home maison
I want je veux
OK d'accord
please s'il te plaît
supermarket supermarché
thank you merci
thing chose
tomato tomate
water eau
what quoi
why pourquoi
with avec

related : Games / Activities and other resources

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Re: Duolingo Stories : One Thing

Post by dakanga »

🧩 Crossword challenge

Duolingo Stories _ One Thing - Crossword Labs.pdf
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