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GUIDELINES: We're all in this together

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Duome Team

GUIDELINES: We're all in this together

Post by Duome Team »

We're all in this together

We are a global community accessible for ALL and for this forum to be a place we can all have fun learning together.

Curiosity, questioning, and cultural understanding are something we celebrate.
This is a global, diverse community. Remember to be excellent to each other.

TLDR : play nice and be smart

For your safety :

Image Please beware of swapping or posting any private information that could be misused. Including one's physical address or any contact information (home address, school, work, phone numbers, email addresses, etc...), and any other unique identity data, as well as age.

Image Protect your privacy, and your password. If you overshare, under the terms of, it may affect your privileges here in order to protect you and others on this forum.

Image An alias can be a smart move to help protect your privacy... and fun too!

Image Clicking on unknown links can be risky. Doing so may give you malware or other nasty bugs. Hovering over links before clicking will show you where the web address is taking you.

Image is a volunteer community that does not ask for money. So no sharing of financial information and no soliciting.

Image Don't assume you know the same person in real life and online. People may masquerade as other people online. If you do know someone on here and in real life, don't mention anything about them, that they haven't chosen to disclose themselves on this web site.

👨‍💻 Your help in maintaining a respectful environment in our global community is appreciated. Disagreements are to be expected, but knee jerk contradictory reactions that give implications of trolling are prohibited.

Image If you feel unsafe with someone's behavior or think someone else is acting unsafely on, use the Image report button above the post, or contact a moderator.

Now it is time to Party and continue our learning adventure

Insieme - together

Post composed and now managed by @Duome Team

special thanks to @Corinnebelle, @dakanga , @Jacko079 , and @MatOzone
with @Basler Biker and @HeyMarlana

For links of this in other source languages - see Table of progress for translations

Last edited by Duome Team on Mon Nov 04, 2024 12:35 am, edited 1 time in total.
Upbeat 88

Re: We're all in this together

Post by Upbeat 88 »

thanks for this so much i have been wait for someone to do something like this thanks @Corinnebelle


Re: We're all in this together

Post by Dewinjjy »

Thanks a lot for your support!

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United States of America

Re: We're all in this together

Post by Dovili22 »

Thanks for this information. It's really important to be aware about it. Have a great day everyone.

D o r a

User avatar
United States of America

Re: We're all in this together

Post by lrai »

Thanks for the post, seeing it for the first time, too bad the obvious has to be stated!

what's your legacy
Image 🇨🇳 🇷🇺 Learning Yiddish, Chinese, Russian

United States of America

Re: We're all in this together

Post by Samara858057 »

Ah, the old disclaimer section. Good reminders, though.

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Re: We're all in this together

Post by marco_w »

Thank you for creating a new forum after the Duolingo forum was closed

Deleted User 103

Re: We're all in this together

Post by Deleted User 103 »

marco_w wrote: Fri May 19, 2023 12:05 pm

Thank you for creating a new forum after the Duolingo forum was closed

@duome is the one that deserves the credit for that, plus the moderators who have put time and effort and expertise into organizing and running the forum.

Tim Kool
United States of America

Re: We're all in this together

Post by Tim Kool »

Yes, we are all in this together! Keep creating forums guys! ;) Have an amazing day! :)

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Re: We're all in this together

Post by daKanga »

I have just come across the concept that not everyone will know the popular songs that also uses the saying :
"We're all in this together". If you only live in one culture, you often miss understanding how another culture is different.

To read more about this common expression of inclusion of diversity and solidarity, check out :'re_All ... s_Together

Old Crow Medicine Show

walter trout

high school musical

Ben Lee

Carole King

Perhaps people know some others ?

Deleted User 103

Re: We're all in this together

Post by Deleted User 103 »

We're all in this together,
we are all part of this community,
we affect each other how we behave here,
the way we behave makes or breaks us as a community.

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Re: We're all in this together

Post by weerwater »

Perhaps you can also use the Dutch version:

Corinnebelle wrote: Tue May 24, 2022 7:20 am

We're all in this together

We are a global community accessible for ALL and for this forum to be a place we can all have fun learning together.

Curiosity, questioning, and cultural understanding are something we celebrate.

TLDR : play nice and be smart

For your safety :

Image Please beware of swapping or posting any private information that could be misused. Including one's physical address or any contact information (home address, school, work, phone numbers, email addresses, etc...), and any other unique identity data, as well as age.

Image Protect your privacy, and your password. If you overshare, under the terms of, it may affect your privileges here in order to protect you and others on this forum.

Image An alias can be a smart move to help protect your privacy... and fun too!

Image Clicking on unknown links can be risky. Doing so may give you malware or other nasty bugs. Hovering over links before clicking will show you where the web address is taking you.

Image is a volunteer community that does not ask for money. So no sharing of financial information and no soliciting.

Image Don't assume you know the same person in real life and online. People may masquerade as other people online. If you do know someone on here and in real life, don't mention anything about them, that they haven't chosen to disclose themselves on this web site.

Image If you feel unsafe with someone's behavior or think someone else is acting unsafely on, use the Image report button above the post, or contact a moderator.

Now it is time to Party and continue our learning adventure

Insieme - together

special thanks to @dakanga , @Jacko079 , and @MatOzone
with @Basler Biker and @HeyMarlana

We zullen het samen moeten doen.

Gezamenlijk maken we deze globale gemeenschap toegankelijk voor iedereen en van dit forum een plaats waar we met plezier samen kunnen leren.

Belangstelling, discussie en begrip voor cultuur zijn de elementen die we hier op handen dragen.

Lang verhaal kort : gedraag je fatsoenlijk en wees verstandig

Voor je eigen veiligheid:

Image Wees op je hoede voor het uitwisselen of posten van privé informatie die misbruikt zou kunnen worden. Inclusief iemands fysieke adres of overige contact informatie (woonadres, school, telefoonnummers, e-mail adressen, etc.) en verdere unieke identiteitsgegevens alsook leeftijd.

Image Bescherm je persoonlijke gegevens, en je wachtwoord.Als je teveel deelt, zal dat, volgens de gebruiksvoorwaarden van, kunnen leiden tot beperking van je rechten, teneinde jou en andere gebruikers van dit forum te beschermen.

Image Het aanmaken van een alias kan een verstandige keuze zijn om je privacy te beschermen en het is nog leuk ook!

ImageOp onbekende links klikken kan riskant zijn. Doe je dat toch dan kan je te maken krijgen met malware of andere vervelende bugs. Het is beter om met je cursor eerst boven een link te 'hoveren' voordat je klikt, omdat je daardoor het webadres van die link bij voorbaat te zien krijgt. is een club van vrijwilligers, en zal je dus nooit om geld vragen. Dus deel geen financiële gegevens en vraag daar ook niet om.

ImagePretendeer niet dat je iemand zowel in het echte leven als online kent. Mensen kunnen zich online eenvoudig voordoen als iemand anders. Als je op dit forum iemand inderdaad kent uit het dagelijkse leven, vertel hier dan niets over deze persoon waar deze niet zelf al eerder heeft besloten daarvan op dit forum melding te maken.

ImageVoel jij je niet veilig omtrent iemands gedrag, of vind je dat iemand zich onveilig gedraagt op, maak dan gebruik van de Image 'report' knop bovenaan de post, of neem contact op met de moderator.

Tijd om het feest te beginnen en weer verder te gaan met ons avontuur dat leren heet.

Insieme - samen

special thanks to @dakanga , @Jacko079 , and @MatOzone
with @Basler Biker and @HeyMarlana




Re: GUIDELINES: We're all in this together

Post by MrsH »

Thanks, good advice!

Hi Language learners!

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