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[ARCHIVED] Macedonian

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[ARCHIVED] Macedonian

Post by justheaven »

Original Post by: mnedelkovska: | Archived DL page:

South Slavic languages (Јужнословенски јазици) and a list of Macedonian lessons

Image mnedelkovska:

What of South Slavic languages are you most interested in? Macedonian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Bosnian, Croatian or Slovenian? What language will be the first contributed, what do you think? ) My native language is Macedonian and I speak Serbian well and I can understand Croatian and Bulgarian but Slovenian a little difficult while Bosnian is mostly mix between Serbian and Croatian. I recommend you my Macedonian because it is the easiest and has no cases but it is your choice! )

These are links for the lessons of my Macedonian (1st lesson = phrases) --- Archived (2nd lesson = alphabet) --- Archived (3rd lesson = numbers) --- Archived (4th lesson = plural) --- Archived (5th lesson = animals) --- Archived (6th lesson = verbs "to be" and "to have") --- Archived (7th lesson = the negation and the interrogation of "to be" and "to have") --- Archived

Јас очекувам вашите одговори, поздрав од Македонија ))

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