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[ARCHIVE] [SASSYandsisters] حكايات كليلة و دمنة - The Tales of Kalila and Dimna #5 - The Merchant and the Jeweller

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Deleted User 114

[ARCHIVE] [SASSYandsisters] حكايات كليلة و دمنة - The Tales of Kalila and Dimna #5 - The Merchant and the Jeweller

Post by Deleted User 114 »

This post was originally written by SASSYandsisters.

التاجر و الصائغ

كان عند تاجير جوهر قيمته عالية و كان يريد أن يثقبه. فاستأجر صائغاً أجرته مئة دينار في اليوم، و أخذه إلى بيته ليثقب الجوهر. و كان في بيته صنج، فقال للصائغ: "هل تعزف على ألصنج؟" قال الصائغ: "نعم." و كان يعزف جيداً. فطلب منه التاجر أن يعزف. فأخذ الصائغ ألصنج و عزف عليه عزفاً جميلاً، فطرب التاجر كثيرا، و طلب منه أن يستمر في العزف. و ظل الصائغ يعزف و التاجر يميل إلى اليمين و اليسار من الطرب حتى غابت الشمس. فقال الصائغ: "إنتهى اليوم، أعطني الأجرة." فردّ التاجر: و هل عملت شيئاً حتى أدفع لك أجرة؟" فقال الصائغ: "نعم، لقد عملت ما طلبت مني أن أعمل." و ظل حتى أخذ المئة دينار و بقي الجوهر غير مثقوب.

The Merchant and the Jeweller

A merchant had a gem of high value and he wanted to pierce it. And so he hired a jeweller, with a wage of 100 Dinar a day, and he took him to his house to pierce the gem. And in his house, he had a cymbal, so he said to the jeweller: “Do you play on the cymbals?” The jeweller said: “Yes” and he played well. So the merchant asked him to play. The jeweller took the cymbals and played a beautiful rhythm, and so the merchant was in rapture, and asked him to continue playing. The jeweller continued playing while the merchant leaned right and left, of rapture, until the sun set. So the jeweller said: “The day has finished, give me the fee.” The merchant replied: “And have you done anything for me to pay you the fee?” So the jeweller said: “Yes, I did what you asked me to do.” And he stayed until he got the 100 Dinars and the gem remained unpierced.

The END.

Difficult Words to Learn:

[يثقب = “Yathqib” = To pierce]

[طرب = “Tarab” = To be in a state of rapture. PS: rapture means joy btw]

[صنج = “Sanj” = Cymbals]

[أجرة = “Ujra” = Fee / Wage]

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Re: [ARCHIVE] [SASSYandsisters] حكايات كليلة و دمنة - The Tales of Kalila and Dimna #5 - The Merchant and the Jeweller

Post by Nada »

So Nice جميلة جدا🌺

ابتسم دااااائما :D
Always smile ;) :D

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