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[ARCHIVE] [SASSYandsisters] حكايات كليلة و دمنة - The Tales of Kalila and Dimna #4 - The Hesitant Thief

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Deleted User 114

[ARCHIVE] [SASSYandsisters] حكايات كليلة و دمنة - The Tales of Kalila and Dimna #4 - The Hesitant Thief

Post by Deleted User 114 »

This post was originally written by SASSYandsisters.

أللص المتردد

عمل رجل خادما في بيت رجل غني. و اتفق مع واحد من أصدقائه على سرقة أشياء من ذلك البيت. فبدأ الصديق يجيء عندما يغيب أهل البيت، و يسرق الأشياء مع الخادم و يبيعها، و يأخذ كل منهما نصف الأرباح.

في ليلة من الليالي، خرج أهل البيت فجاء صديق الخادم و بدأ الإثنان يجمعان الأشياء لسرقتها. و بينما هما مشغولان في ذلك، دق صاحب البيت الباب الأمامي، و كان للبيت باب أخر لا يعرفه الصديق. فقال الخادم: "أهرب من الباب الذي عند البئر." و أشار بيده إلى الباب. فذهب الصديق و وجد الباب و لكنه لم يجد البئر. فرجع إلى الخادم و قال له: "وجدت الباب، لكن ما وجدت البئر." فقال الخادم: "لقد ذكرت لك البئر حتى تجد الباب، إذا وجدت الباب، أخرج بسرعة قبل أن يدخل صاحب البيت!" فقال الصديق: "و لكن لما ذكرت البئر و هي ليست هناك؟" فقال له الخادم: "أيها الغبي! أهرب! إذا وجدت الباب، فما حاجتك للبئر؟!" فرد الصديق: "و لكن كيف أهرب و قد حيّرتني بذكرك بئر غير موجودة؟"

و بقي على هذا الحال يبحث عن البئر حتى دخل صاحب البيت فقبض عليه و أخذه إلى حاكم المدينة.

[خادم = Khaadim = A Servant]

[دق = Daq = To Knock]

[بئر = Bi’r = A Well]

[غبي = Ghabee = Stupid (person) / Idiot :p]

The Hesitant Thief

A man worked as a servant at a rich man’s house. And he agreed with one of his friends to steal things from that house. The friend started to come when the owners of the house were away, and he would steal things with the servant and he would sell them, and each of them would get half the profit.

One night, the owners of the house went out so the servant’s friend came and the two began to gather things to steal. And while they were busy, the owner of the house knocked at the front door, and the house had another door the friend didn’t know about. So the servant said: ”Run out of the door by the well.” And he pointed with his hand towards the door. So the friend went and found the door, but he didn’t find the well. So he returned to the servant and said to him: “I found the door, but I didn’t find the well.” So the servant said: “I mentioned to you the well so that you can find the door, if you have found the door, get out quickly before the house owner comes inside!” The friend said: “But why did you mention the well and it isn’t there?” The servant said to him: “You idiot! Run! If you have found the door, what is your need for the well?!” The friend replied: “But how do I run and you have confused me by mentioning a well that doesn’t exist?”

And he remained in this state, looking for the well until the house owner entered and caught him and took him to the governor of the city.

So moral of the story? Mmm I guess it could be to not pay attention to irrelevant info? Or in simple words just don’t be stupid ;p What do you think?

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Re: [ARCHIVE] [SASSYandsisters] حكايات كليلة و دمنة - The Tales of Kalila and Dimna #4 - The Hesitant Thief

Post by Nada »

Woooooow جميلة

ابتسم دااااائما :D
Always smile ;) :D

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