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[Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Moderator: Corinnebelle

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Great Britain

[Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

Does anyone have a complete list of the Hebrew Vocab?

This is the closest I could find: ... vocab-pdf/, however, it is not stored in JSON. The Memrise course is also incomplete by several hundred words.

The list on this site contains 2800 words, but the true value is much more words (including words such as fish)

The best possible way would be this. Someone who has completed the Duolingo course runs the following code.

  • First login, and get your JWT in JS through the browser console.

Code: Select all

document.cookie.match(new RegExp('(^| )jwt_token=([^;]+)'))[0].slice(11);
  • Run this code in the terminal

Code: Select all

pip3 install requests
  • Then, this is the trickier part - create a repository. Download the file to the repo from GitHub. Then create another file in the repo,, and put the following code in it. Note here how the JWT from before has to be entered alongside your username.

Code: Select all

import duolingo
lingo = duolingo.Duolingo(username='username', jwt='the_jwt')
words = list(lingo.get_vocabulary(language_abbr='he')['vocab_overview'])
print(words, len(words))
  • Run the following

Code: Select all


I created a fork that fixes the JWT issue, so it should be able to work.

This can be run for all languages on Duolingo, in theory.

This data would be really helpful in making flashcards.

Thanks for making this site!

Last edited by Ed_Miliband on Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:26 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

@Corinnebelle This would be a big ask - but would you or someone you know be able to do this? I can help if necessary with any of the setup. According to this post, you finished the Hebrew Course: viewtopic.php?t=8528-i-finished-the-hebrew-tree

If you could spare perhaps half an hour to collect this data - it would really help. The data could be segmented by course, as provided in the JSON, to help with the completion of vocab lists on this site.

Last edited by Ed_Miliband on Tue Apr 25, 2023 2:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by dakanga »

I will also try to double back to this request in this ... approx. two weeks, to see if I might be able to skim some resources - if Duolingo has provided the information to my account.

They constantly do large numbers of A/B tests - where randomly different ones of us have a different view of a course.

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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

@dakanga Thanks for getting back. I wrote up a list of the words here based on the two main sources online (cited) - is this the correct list from what you have done so far on the course?

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by dakanga »

@Ed_Miliband BRILLIANT !!!!!

Thank you !!!!

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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

Thank you @dakanga. I would still find it really helpful if you (or someone else) could generate your complete list of words and post it via pastebin (or here). I found an extension that downloads all your words from duolingo - ... afpljdiohi (you don't need to pay any money to get just the words).

This is the only way to check the correct order and for potentially missing words. That means we can have a complete and updated list.

Last edited by Ed_Miliband on Tue Apr 25, 2023 6:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Corinnebelle »

@Ed_Miliband I will look into this. I think @duome might like a full list too. His is incomplete. I don't know how I'll go with all the technical stuff, so I'll let you know if this is something feasible for me. As far as I know the Hebrew course is a first tree and it has not been modified since leaving Beta, it has some mistakes. It does seem like they have started tweaking the course, adding pictures etc. and using the sentences they have in different exercises which don't have SD's. One question I do have is, will this code pick up any words taught by the characters, that's the only place where I think new words would have been added. What would be good would be to pick up all the forms of words taught. I think Schools lists that, but maybe this would be more inclusive with the endings etc. for plurals?

Here's a Duolingo Anki deck with audio, I'm not sure how they teach the verbs, I've been doing it and haven't gotten many verbs yet, maybe they only teach the infinitive of some. One for typing.

🇺🇸 L1 🇮🇱 Intermediate Now doing Lexisrex

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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

@dakanga @Corinnebelle @duome

Hi - thanks for all the help. I have made a Memrise course from the spreadsheet. It took a lot of time.

Duolingo Hebrew Revised: ... w-revised/

(If promoting is banned on this forum, feel free to edit out this link)

It would be really helpful if you could look through the words on your partially/fully completed courses and see if I am missing words/categories.

Thanks a lot again!!

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Corinnebelle »

@Ed_Miliband Promoting is not banned, as long as you're not a company trying to sell a product.

🇺🇸 L1 🇮🇱 Intermediate Now doing Lexisrex

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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

@Corinnebelle @dakanga I had another question. The Hebrew duolingo PDF provides conjugations (M,S) (F,S) (M,P) (F,P). I haven't completed enough of the Hebrew Duolingo course to know - do you eventually learn the conjugations for the verbs, nouns, adjectives etc.? And to what extent? Should I include all the conjugations on the list, or is that excessive? Thanks.

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by dakanga »

This discussion has been moved to the Hebrew forum for English speakers, as it is for English speakers learning Hebrew.

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by dakanga »

From what I see in this discussion board, there still is not a good strong post that sees to the very important issue of verb conjugation for Hebrew.

In the reading I have done, there are quite a few similarities with the "pattern" of how Hebrew and Arabic handle verb tenses. And they are far simpler than for the romantic languages, such as French, that I have so far studied.

English, has 12 tenses, while Hebrew has almost entirely just three.
In grammar "tense" expresses a time reference.

In summary for Hebrew, the tenses are :

  • present tense
  • future
  • past

And very impressively these are formed in a pattern usually based on a three letter stem/root pattern for the verb. Though occasionally it can be four or more.

Basically Hebrew verbs (and every noun) is based on a three-consonant root called a shoresh (שׁוֹרֶשׁ) that "encodes" or contains the basic meaning or purpose of the verb (or noun).

Roots are an idealised concept that do not exist in speech. They are a cluster of consonants, and any number of Hebrew words can be formed from the same root.

Sorry this is not addressing the issue you raised. But is necessary for my understanding to be able to consider a response.

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by dakanga »

To make it easier for me to take some time to consider a response, and to clear my head, I will now also share a number of resources I currently consider as interesting on this issue of Hebrew verbs. ... -tips.html ... ew-tenses/ ... ction.html ... nyan-paal/

All this is also going to take me a bit more time to ponder. And I am not quite sure when I will get back to it. It is though a fascinating subject. And it would be wonderful to develop a good resource for reference in these forums.

Not just based on the way and order Duolingo seeks to teach. But one that, though it is useful for what you come across in the Duolingo course, assist you to see material on a word/topic/grammar issue - to find other resources. And then also to use this from other resources - and even tie back to the Duolingo course.
Big ideals.
And - of course - what will be an ongoing project.
Yet how to get it up and running in a simple way that is quick to implement but serves many purposes.
And is also robust enough to continue to be useful - even when the course content on Duolingo is modified.

Or even is Duolingo comes to a point it may decide to shed languages. Which I hope it never does. Let us all hope that never beccomes a reality.
That this community can remain strong in assisting language learning despite situations I would hate to see occur.

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by dakanga »

NB - I do not currently see any indication that Duolingo may be considering shedding languages.
So let us as a community continue to work on the assumption that this is the reality. That Duolingo will continue to maintain all the languages it produces material for.
And to hope that in the near future Duolingo will instead consider adding even more languages to its portfolio.

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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

Hi @dakanga, this project sounds great. I am not so much informed on Hebrew - I have just started the course - a few months in. I can help with any technical aspect. One thing I am working on is whether we want to get the TTS (text-to-speech) audio for words. But of course, to do this, we need the niqqud (vowels). To do this, we can use the Morfix dictionary and semantic similarity scores for English translations as suggested by Morris Alpher. If you are interested in a Python library that returns the audio if given the Hebrew and English definition let me know!

I am really keen to help in any way possible technically. But I think we need a complete list of words most. Because the last time this was updated was in 2019-2020. Has the course changed since then? I found this URL gives you the current vocab list learnt in JSON.

Is there some kind of discord for or way outside of this thread people are discussing these ideas? What would be the most useful thing/s that I could make for you that would help with learning Hebrew?

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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

Btw @Corinnebelle using one line of code you can enable typing on the audio course. On your course, click edit -> cards. You should see the front and back design. To the front just add this:

Code: Select all


This will enable typing answer for all your words.

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Corinnebelle »

@Ed_Miliband I would include conjugations, you learn most conjugations. About tenses see Pealim for all the tenses one should learn, there are also some verbs that have passives conjugations as well.

🇺🇸 L1 🇮🇱 Intermediate Now doing Lexisrex

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

@Corinnebelle @dakanga I got the course you suggested - the typing one, extracted the words and added Niqqud. I will run TTS on the Niqqud and make this into a new deck. So when you get an answer right, it reads out the word to you. If there are any errors in this sheet, it would be very helpful if you could suggest any needed corrections.

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Corinnebelle »

dakanga wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 11:11 pm

This discussion has been moved to the Hebrew forum for English speakers, as it is for English speakers learning Hebrew.

Thanks! I have moved it to resources in the Hebrew topic.

🇺🇸 L1 🇮🇱 Intermediate Now doing Lexisrex

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Corinnebelle »

@Ed_Miliband This link is the best for the Hebrew course. I do not believe any new words have been added since then. However it probably doesn't include all conjugations. It has דג. Duome's Hebrew words list is sorely lacking.

Does that typing deck have many verbs? I haven't gone far enough on it to get to Present.

🇺🇸 L1 🇮🇱 Intermediate Now doing Lexisrex

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by PtolemysXX »

You are doing some outstanding work here. A while back I started the Duolingo Hebrew course and abandonded it soon afterwards: with lots of missing audio right in the beginning and no niqqud I found it inadequate for learning the spoken language. I am rethinking now.

@Ed_Miliband : how do you add niqqud to vocabulary? Is it all done by hand or do you have some method to automate it?

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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

Thank you @Corinnebelle - I extracted the words from that file and added them as a sheet

It suggests significant differences between the Anki and the link you sent. Around half of the words are different. Also, there are no translations/transliterations. This will be difficult to process into flashcards.

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Corinnebelle »

If I did get everything organized to extract the words, does it matter that I am not at the end of the snake? The snake cut off some of my skills because there was too many at level 1.

Pealim has nekkudot for most words, I suppose you can't write a program to find them in Pealim?

Edit: Reverso also.

🇺🇸 L1 🇮🇱 Intermediate Now doing Lexisrex

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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

PtolemysXX wrote: Sun Apr 30, 2023 6:59 pm

You are doing some outstanding work here. A while back I started the Duolingo Hebrew course and abandonded it soon afterwards: with lots of missing audio right in the beginning and no niqqud I found it inadequate for learning the spoken language. I am rethinking now.

@Ed_Miliband : how do you add niqqud to vocabulary? Is it all done by hand or do you have some method to automate it?

Thank you! @PtolemysXX I have been doing it in two ways. One is through the Morfix dictionary. I run a script to search through the dictionary - and if the definitions match (I use a semantic similarity score) to get the niqqud('d?) word. Additionally, I can use transliterations to add the vowels to the constants and use machine learning to cross-reference it with existing vocabulary. So, in short - I have automated it, and there could be errors.

Last edited by Ed_Miliband on Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

Corinnebelle wrote: Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:14 pm

If I did get everything organized to extract the words, does it matter that I am not at the end of the snake? The snake cut off some of my skills because there was too many at level 1.

I found out you just need to go to this URL - And then copy the results. Previously, Duolingo had a "dictionary", with bars to show how much you had learnt the words. It still has the underlying API for that (so in theory, you could recreate that page). As long as you have covered all the words in the course - it should show up.

I agree I could get the words from Pealim. The question is what conjugations? For beginners - Duolingo does not expect you to learn every tense for every word. So if we made flashcards or lists based on every conjugation - it would go easily into 5000-6000 words - which is well more than the course requires.

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Corinnebelle »

@Ed_Miliband I have 5904 words taught. I imagine that includes all lexemes. Do I need to open all before hitting CTR+A and pasting in a txt. How do I copy them?

🇺🇸 L1 🇮🇱 Intermediate Now doing Lexisrex

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »

@Corinnebelle You should be able just to use ctrl+c, ctrl+p - however, if that doesn't work, you can save the page (ctrl+s). You can share the txt on pastebin If it is ok with you, I will write a script to extract the data and add it as a sheet.

Last edited by Corinnebelle on Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Corinnebelle »

Ed_Miliband wrote: Sun Apr 30, 2023 7:35 pm

@Corinnebelle You should be able just to use ctrl+c, ctrl+p - however, if that doesn't work, you can save the page (ctrl+s). You can share the txt on pastebin If it is ok with you, I will write a script to extract the data and add it as a sheet.

I pasted it on there just to see what it would do, it doesn't show words I haven't opened. I will keep opening them.

🇺🇸 L1 🇮🇱 Intermediate Now doing Lexisrex

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Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Corinnebelle »

This is a test. Last 5,000

(465.18 KiB) Downloaded 34 times

🇺🇸 L1 🇮🇱 Intermediate Now doing Lexisrex

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Great Britain

Re: [Request] Someone who has finished Hebrew Course - Incomplete Vocab

Post by Ed_Miliband »


Do you have it in the original JSON form - something like this?

{"language_string":"Hebrew","learning_language":"he","from_language":"en","language_information":{"pronoun_mapping":[],"tenses":{}},"vocab_overview":[{"strength_bars":4,"infinitive":null,"normalized_string":"mtvq","pos":null,"last_practiced_ms":1682816353000,"skill":"Letters 3","related_lexemes":[],"last_practiced":"2023-04-30T00:59:13Z","strength":0.999985,"skill_url_title":"Letters-3","gender":null,"id":"455e7c221aa477409951b88e170fe619","lexeme_id":"455e7c221aa477409951b88e170fe619","word_string":"\u05de\u05ea\u05d5\u05e7"},

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