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[ARCHIVE] 2 types of Adjectives

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[ARCHIVE] 2 types of Adjectives

Post by Fnirk1 »

Originally posted by: HelpfulDuo

There are two types of adjectives in Japanese to describe people and things; the adjectives end in and . Both of them modify the nouns that follow.

Adjective + Noun = Modified Noun

い Adj, あかい: あかい + りんご = あかいりんご (red apple)
(i) Adj, akai: akai + ringo = akai ringo

な Adj, しずか: しずか + うみ = しずかなうみ (quiet ocean)
(na) Adj, shizuka: shizukana + umi = shizukana umi

Adjective + Noun

adjective can describe nouns as a plain form (a dictionary form).

AdjectiveAdjective + NounEnglish
あおいあおいそらblue sky
きいろいきいろいひまわり yellow sunflower
くろい くろいねこblack cat
しろい しろいかべwhite wal
おおきい おおきいうちbig house
ちいさい ちいさいくつsmall shoes
たかい たかいビルtall building
ふるいふるいほん old book
ながい ながいかみ⁺ long hair
おいしいおいしいケーキ delicious cake
はやい はやいくるまfast car
かわいい かわいいあかちゃんcute baby

⁺ かみ (kami) can be (hair) or (paper) depending on the context.

adjectives need (na) added to the plain form of adjective before you combine with the nouns.

AdjectiveAdjective + NounEnglish
きれいきれいドレスbeautiful dress
ゆうめいゆうめいえいがfamous movie
しんせつ しんせつひとkind person
ていねい ていねいことばpolite word
げんきdげんきこどもactive child
かんたんかんたんゲームeasy game

【Practice】Use any of the adjective on the table (or come up with new one) and make the adjective + noun combination of your choice in Japanese.

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