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[ARCHIVE] Grammar: Dutch plural nouns

Moderator: Basler Biker

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[ARCHIVE] Grammar: Dutch plural nouns

Post by Fnirk1 »

Originally posted by: Kai_E.


  1. Plurals with -en

  2. Plurals with -s

  3. Plurals with -eren

  4. Other plural forms

Forming the plural in Dutch
There are quite a number of ways of forming the Plural in Dutch, so here is an explanation to help you understand exactly how it works.
Plurals with -en
The plural ending -en is the most common plural ending in Dutch. You first get a taste of it in Basics 2 with words like “vrouwen” (“vrouw” in the singular) and “mannen” (“man” in the singular).
If you’ve read the thread about Dutch spelling you now know that a word like “man” becomes “mannen” due to a spelling rule.
This is to be noted when adding the plural ending -en:

  • de kat (cat) + -en=de katten

  • de maan (moon) + -en=de manen

  • de man (man) + -en=de mannen

Other spelling rules, such as f -> v and s -> z, must also be observed:
f ->v

  • de brief (letter)-> brieven

  • het bedrijf (company) -> bedrijven

s -> z

  • de prijs (price) -> prijzen

  • het huis (house) -> huizen

However, there are some exceptions where these changes don’t occur.
For the following words:

  • de dans (dance) -> dansen

  • de kaars (candle) -> kaarsen

  • de kans (chance) -> kansen

  • de mens (human) -> mensen

  • de prins (prince) -> prinsen

  • de wens (wish) -> wensen

For loanwords ending in -graaf and -soof:

  • de fotograaf (photographer) -> fotografen

  • de filosoof (philosopher) -> filosofen

There are also nouns that have a short vowel in the singular get a long vowel after -en is added:

  • het bad (bath) -> baden

  • het bedrag (amount) -> bedragen

  • de dag (day) -> dagen

  • het dak (roof) -> daken

  • het gat (hole) -> gaten

In other words, the vowel sound changes.
For these words:

  • het lid (member) -> leden

  • het schip (ship) -> schepen

  • de stad (city) -> steden

And for words ending in -heid:

  • de mogelijkheid (possibilty) -> mogelijkheden

If a noun ends in -ee or a stressed -ie, a trema is added:

  • het idee (idea) -> ideeën

  • de kopie (copy) -> kopieën

Note: If there is no stress on the -ie, the plural is formed by adding an -s ending.
Plurals with -s
There are also a number of nouns that end with -s in the plural, because they either end a certain way or are borrowed words.
The following nouns get the ending -s in the plural:

  • Nouns with two or more syllables ending on an unstressed -el, -em, -en, -er, -erd, -aar, -aard, and all diminutives:

    • de tafel (table) -> tafels

    • het modem (modem) -> modems

    • de jongen (boy) -> jongens

    • de vader (father) -> vaders

    • de stommerd (dummy) -> stommerds

    • de adelaar (eagle) -> adelaars

    • de luiaard (sloth) -> luiaards

  • Most loanwords that end in a consonant, which also end in s in the language of origin:

    • de film (film/movie) -> films

    • de computer (computer) -> computers

    • de roman (novel) -> romans

  • Nouns ending in an unstressed -ie:

    • de familie (family) -> families

    • de organisatie (organization) -> organisaties

    • Exceptions to this are “de bacterie” (bacteria) -> “bacteriën” and “de porie” (pore) -> “poriën”

The ending ’s (apostrophe s) is added to words ending in -a, -i, -o, -u or -y. This is necessary because otherwise the vowel length would change (think of the spelling rules):

  • de firma (firm) -> firma’s

  • de taxi (taxi) -> taxi’s

  • de auto (car) -> auto’s

  • de paraplu (umbrella) -> paraplu’s

  • de baby (baby) -> baby’s

Plurals with -eren
A small number of nouns end in -eren in the plural:

  • het ei (egg) -> eieren

  • het kind (child) -> kinderen

  • het blad (sheet/leaf) -> bladeren (leaves (on a tree)) or bladen (sheets (of paper))

Other plural forms
Here are some other plural forms for some common words:

  • het album (album) -> albums

  • de catalogus (catalog) -> catalogi

  • de crisis (crisis) -> crises

  • de cursus (course) -> cursussen

  • de koe (cow) -> koeien

  • het museum (museum) -> musea (or museums)

:sweden: N :gb: C1 :ru: B2 :fr: :es:B1 :de: :it: :netherlands: A1

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