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[WELCO] [PHRAS] Välkommen till Fraser - byggstenar för meningar

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Basler Biker

[WELCO] [PHRAS] Välkommen till Fraser - byggstenar för meningar

Post by Basler Biker »

Välkommen till Fraser - byggstenar för meningar
Welcome to "Phrases - building blocks for sentences

Even when you have the basic vocabulary, learned by heart, word by word, you will still have an issue when you need to produce a real sentence in real-time during speech. In order to say "near to the coast" you would need to remember "near", "coast" and then comes the issue "which preposition to link the two" ? Because prepositions don't translate 1:1 from one language (yours) to Swedish. In every language, the prepositions have known their own evolution of use-cases.

So the approach to tackle this is to memorize phrases, and grouping them in such a way that they are interchangeable building blocks for building any sentence. Here is an example:

  • MOMENT IN TIME: If you want to refer to a point in time, use phrases such as "last week", "next Monday", ...
  • LENGTH IN TIME: if you want to specify a duration, use phrases such as "for 2 hours", "longer than 3 months", "only 4 hours", ...

"MOMENT IN TIME" and "DURATION IN TIME" are the groups. If you know how to say "It took only 4 hours to fix this", you'll also be able to say "It will take at least 3 months to get there". You just need to know the verbs, the numbers 1-10... and the words for hour/week/month, ...

The result of learning by "phrases" is that you need to know only a very reasonable number of words, and you can build potentially millions (all possible) sentences by combining those building blocks.

This subforum aims at collecting lists of such phrases, including the "so difficult' correct use of prepositions.

If you have such lists already, or you plan to make such lists, feel free and be so kind to share them here.
Be sure to start the Title with "[FRASR] ..." so that the items are searcheable.
For sentences from Clozemaster, use the tag [CLOZE]
For sentences from Duolingo, use the tag [DUOGO] or (en => sv)

BB - Basler Biker - Positivity and constructiveness will prevail
Native :belgium: :netherlands: / fluent :fr: :de: :uk: / learning :sweden: / fan of :switzerland: (bs/bl)

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