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Total number of Swahili (from English) units as of Feb '23?


Total number of Swahili (from English) units as of Feb '23?

Post by Esi »

Have I reached the end of the Duolingo path for learning Swahili at 42 units? Seems that some have mentioned there being at least 47 in the past...? This is my first time to do a language on Duolingo so I"ve not been sure what to expect.

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Re: Total number of Swahili (from English) units as of Feb '23?

Post by Thomas.Heiss »

Both course versions do exist:

The latter one is probably in A/B testing, excluded from school classrooms and mainly new users see it.
Updates/ rollouts to existing users usually takes more time. Not everyone gets the new stuff at once.

:de: Native | :us: Upper-B2 (BritishCouncil) | ImageL25 (Duo) / A2 (6+y, McGraw-Hill) - Learning (Busuu): :fr: (A1 McGraw-Hill) | :brazil: (interm.)

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