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Scottish Gaelic from English Course Data (69 Units)

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Scottish Gaelic from English Course Data (69 Units)

Post by MatOzone »

Scottish Gaelic from English 69 units (2023-Jul-01):
NOT CEFR aligned
593 levels ㅤ2784 lessons ㅤNO Stories
Path imageHintsWords
numberOfSentences=15019 ㅤ numberOfWords=3525 ㅤ wordsLearned=3524 (2984) ㅤ JSON

Units 55 to 69 have alternative names.

Section 1: Rookie

1 Use the present tense, Express likes and dislikes 📝
5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆
Use the present tense, Express likes and dislikes, 📪, Use the present tense, 🏆

2 Use basic phrases, Ask how people are 📝
6, 5, 📪, 4, 5, 5, 6, 📪, 5, 🏆
Use basic phrases, Express likes and dislikes, 📪, 🛠️, Use the present tense, Ask how people are, Use basic phrases, 📪, Express likes and dislikes, 🏆

3 Introduce yourself, Describe clothes 📝
5, 6, 📪, 5, 6, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆
Introduce yourself, 🛠️, 📪, Ask how people are, Use basic phrases, Describe clothes, Introduce yourself, 📪, Ask how people are, 🛠️, 🏆

4 Talk about pets, Describe weather 📝
5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆
Talk about pets, Describe clothes, 📪, Introduce yourself, Describe weather, Talk about pets, 🛠️, 📪, Describe clothes, 🏆

5 Make small talk, Use conjunctions 📝
6, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 6, 📪, 6, 5, 🏆
Make small talk, Describe weather, Talk about pets, 📪, Use conjunctions, 🛠️, 📪, Make small talk, Describe weather, 🏆

6 Talk about how many, Describe your family 📝
4, 4, 📪, 6, 5, 6, 4, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about how many, Use conjunctions, 📪, Make small talk, 🛠️, Describe your family, Talk about how many, 📪, Use conjunctions, 🏆

7 Use plural nouns, Shop for groceries 📝
4, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 6, 📪, 4, 5, 🏆
Use plural nouns, 🛠️, Describe your family, 📪, Talk about how many, Shop for groceries, 📪, Use plural nouns, 🛠️, 🏆

8 Describe colors, Talk about your home 📝
6, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 🏆
Describe your family, Describe colors, 📪, Shop for groceries, Use plural nouns, 🛠️, Talk about your home, 📪, Describe colors, 🏆

Section 2: Explorer

9 /1 Discuss locations, Express fluency in Gaelic 📝
6, 6, 📪, 5, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 6, 5, 🏆
Shop for groceries, Discuss locations, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about your home, Describe colors, Express fluency in Gaelic, 📪, Discuss locations, 🛠️, 🏆

10 /2 Describe appearance, Talk about animals 📝
6, 6, 📪, 6, 6, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 🏆
Talk about your home, Describe appearance, 📪, Express fluency in Gaelic, Discuss locations, 🛠️, Talk about animals, 📪, Describe appearance, 🏆

11 /3 Ask how people are, Talk about hobbies 📝
6, 4, 5, 📪, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 5, 🏆
Express fluency in Gaelic, Ask how people are, 🛠️, 📪, Talk about animals, Describe appearance, Talk about hobbies, 📪, Ask how people are, 🛠️, 🏆

12 /4 Form the plural, Ask people about themselves 📝
6, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆
Talk about animals, Form the plural, 📪, Talk about hobbies, Ask how people are, 🛠️, Ask people about themselves, 📪, Form the plural, 🏆

13 /5 Express feelings, Describe countries 📝
6, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 6, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆
Talk about hobbies, Express feelings, 🛠️, Ask people about themselves, 📪, Form the plural, Describe countries, 📪, Express feelings, 🛠️, 🏆

14 /6 Say where something is, Talk about your body 📝
5, 6, 📪, 6, 5, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 🏆
Ask people about themselves, Say where something is, 📪, Describe countries, Express feelings, 🛠️, Talk about your body, 📪, Say where something is, 🏆

15 /7 Make plans, Describe people and things 📝
6, 6, 📪, 5, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 6, 5, 🏆
Describe countries, Make plans, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about your body, Say where something is, Describe people and things, 📪, Make plans, 🛠️, 🏆

16 /8 Talk about sports, Comment on foods 📝
6, 6, 📪, 6, 6, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 🏆
Talk about your body, Talk about sports, 📪, Describe people and things, Make plans, 🛠️, Comment on foods, 📪, Talk about sports, 🏆

17 /9 Tell time, Use adjectives 📝
6, 6, 5, 📪, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 6, 5, 🏆
Describe people and things, Tell time, 🛠️, 📪, Comment on foods, Talk about sports, Use adjectives, 📪, Tell time, 🛠️, 🏆

18 /10 Discuss homes, Say what your job is 📝
6, 6, 📪, 6, 6, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 🏆
Comment on foods, Discuss homes, 📪, Use adjectives, Tell time, 🛠️, Say what your job is, 📪, Discuss homes, 🏆

19 /11 Form similes, Discuss languages 📝
6, 6, 5, 📪, 6, 6, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Use adjectives, Form similes, 🛠️, 📪, Say what your job is, Discuss homes, 📪, Discuss languages, 🛠️, 🏆

20 /12 Describe life by the sea, Use commands 📝
6, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 5, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Form similes, Say what your job is, Describe life by the sea, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss languages, Form similes, Use commands, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

21 /13 Talk about school, Discuss the arts 📝
5, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 5, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Describe life by the sea, Discuss languages, 📪, Talk about school, 🛠️, Use commands, Describe life by the sea, 📪, Discuss the arts, 🛠️, 🏆

22 /14 Make comparisons, Discuss careers 📝
5, 5, 5, 4, 📪, 6, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about school, Use commands, Make comparisons, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss the arts, Talk about school, Discuss careers, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

23 /15 Talk about money, Use plural adjectives 📝
5, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 5, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Make comparisons, Discuss the arts, Talk about money, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss careers, Make comparisons, 📪, Use plural adjectives, 🛠️, 🏆

24 /16 Discuss food, Comment on sports 📝
5, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 6, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about money, Discuss careers, 📪, Discuss food, 🛠️, Use plural adjectives, Talk about money, Comment on sports, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

25 /17 Order drinks, Form bigger numbers 📝
5, 6, 6, 4, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Discuss food, Use plural adjectives, Order drinks, 🛠️, 📪, Comment on sports, Discuss food, 📪, Form bigger numbers, 🛠️, 🏆

26 /18 Talk about maintenence, Get around town 📝
6, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Order drinks, Comment on sports, Talk about maintenence, 📪, 🛠️, Form bigger numbers, Order drinks, Get around town, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

27 /19 Discuss opinions, Describe island life 📝
5, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 6, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Talk about maintenence, Form bigger numbers, 📪, Discuss opinions, 🛠️, Get around town, Talk about maintenence, 📪, Describe island life, 🛠️, 🏆

28 /20 Introduce other people, Comment on clothes 📝
6, 6, 5, 4, 📪, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Discuss opinions, Get around town, Introduce other people, 🛠️, 📪, Describe island life, Discuss opinions, Comment on clothes, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

Section 3: Traveler

29 /1 Talk about work, Use the past tense 📝
5, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 6, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Introduce other people, Describe island life, Talk about work, 📪, 🛠️, Comment on clothes, Introduce other people, 📪, Use the past tense, 🛠️, 🏆

30 /2 Describe holidays, Discuss technology 📝
5, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about work, Comment on clothes, 📪, Describe holidays, 🛠️, Use the past tense, Talk about work, Discuss technology, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

31 /3 Talk about cooking, Express dates and times 📝
6, 5, 6, 4, 📪, 6, 6, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Describe holidays, Use the past tense, Talk about cooking, 🛠️, 📪, Discuss technology, Describe holidays, 📪, Express dates and times, 🛠️, 🏆

32 /4 Count people, Talk about milestones 📝
6, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 5, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Talk about cooking, Discuss technology, Count people, 📪, 🛠️, Express dates and times, Talk about cooking, Talk about milestones, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

33 /5 Express emotions, Describe extended family 📝
6, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Count people, Express dates and times, 📪, Express emotions, 🛠️, Talk about milestones, Count people, 📪, Describe extended family, 🛠️, 🏆

34 /6 Share travel plans, Discuss the seasons 📝
5, 5, 6, 4, 📪, 6, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Express emotions, Talk about milestones, Share travel plans, 🛠️, 📪, Describe extended family, Express emotions, Discuss the seasons, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

35 /7 Ask questions, Talk about your health 📝
6, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Share travel plans, Describe extended family, Ask questions, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss the seasons, Share travel plans, 📪, Talk about your health, 🛠️, 🏆

36 /8 Attend a cèilidh, Form superlative adjectives 📝
5, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 6, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Ask questions, Discuss the seasons, 📪, Attend a cèilidh, 🛠️, Talk about your health, Ask questions, Form superlative adjectives, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

37 /9 Go to the beach, Describe travel plans 📝
6, 6, 6, 4, 📪, 6, 6, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Attend a cèilidh, Talk about your health, Go to the beach, 🛠️, 📪, Form superlative adjectives, Attend a cèilidh, 📪, Describe travel plans, 🛠️, 🏆

38 /10 Talk about politics, Ask where people are from 📝
6, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 5, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Go to the beach, Form superlative adjectives, Talk about politics, 📪, 🛠️, Describe travel plans, Go to the beach, Ask where people are from, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

39 /11 Discuss history, Form complex sentences 📝
5, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 6, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Talk about politics, Describe travel plans, 📪, Discuss history, 🛠️, Ask where people are from, Talk about politics, 📪, Form complex sentences, 🛠️, 🏆

40 /12 Describe past events, Talk about places 📝
5, 6, 5, 4, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Discuss history, Ask where people are from, Describe past events, 🛠️, 📪, Form complex sentences, Discuss history, Talk about places, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

41 /13 Discuss croft life, Use the dative case 📝
5, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 4, 🏆
Describe past events, Form complex sentences, Discuss croft life, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about places, Describe past events, 📪, Use the dative case, 🛠️, 🏆

42 /14 Talk about Nova Scotia, Count things 📝
6, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 4, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Discuss croft life, Talk about places, 📪, Talk about Nova Scotia, 🛠️, Use the dative case, Discuss croft life, Count things, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

43 /15 Exchange information, Discuss beliefs 📝
6, 4, 6, 4, 📪, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Talk about Nova Scotia, Use the dative case, Exchange information, 🛠️, 📪, Count things, Talk about Nova Scotia, 📪, Discuss beliefs, 🛠️, 🏆

44 /16 Use emphatic pronouns, Talk about Europe 📝
6, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Exchange information, Count things, Use emphatic pronouns, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss beliefs, Exchange information, Talk about Europe, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

45 /17 Describe current careers, State facts 📝
6, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 6, 6, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Use emphatic pronouns, Discuss beliefs, 📪, Describe current careers, 🛠️, Talk about Europe, Use emphatic pronouns, 📪, State facts, 🛠️, 🏆

46 /18 Talk about the Mòd, Express your hopes 📝
6, 6, 6, 4, 📪, 5, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Describe current careers, Talk about Europe, Talk about the Mòd, 🛠️, 📪, State facts, Describe current careers, Express your hopes, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

47 /19 Discuss geography, Talk about your abilities 📝
6, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Talk about the Mòd, State facts, Discuss geography, 📪, 🛠️, Express your hopes, Talk about the Mòd, 📪, Talk about your abilities, 🛠️, 🏆

48 /20 Describe schoolwork, Use object inversion 📝
6, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 6, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Discuss geography, Express your hopes, 📪, Describe schoolwork, 🛠️, Talk about your abilities, Discuss geography, Use object inversion, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

49 /21 Work in the garden, Discuss science 📝
6, 6, 6, 4, 📪, 6, 6, 📪, 5, 4, 🏆
Describe schoolwork, Talk about your abilities, Work in the garden, 🛠️, 📪, Use object inversion, Describe schoolwork, 📪, Discuss science, 🛠️, 🏆

50 /22 Talk about nature, Form proverbs 📝
6, 6, 6, 📪, 4, 5, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Work in the garden, Use object inversion, Talk about nature, 📪, 🛠️, Discuss science, Work in the garden, Form proverbs, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

51 /23 Use the conditional, Talk about the past 📝
6, 5, 📪, 5, 4, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Talk about nature, Discuss science, 📪, Use the conditional, 🛠️, Form proverbs, Talk about nature, 📪, Talk about the past, 🛠️, 🏆

52 /24 Use the genitive, Talk about habits 📝
5, 5, 6, 4, 📪, 6, 5, 5, 📪, 4, 🏆
Use the conditional, Form proverbs, Use the genitive, 🛠️, 📪, Talk about the past, Use the conditional, Talk about habits, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

53 /25 Describe landscapes, Use the genitive 📝
6, 6, 5, 📪, 4, 5, 6, 📪, 6, 4, 🏆
Use the genitive, Talk about the past, Describe landscapes, 📪, 🛠️, Talk about habits, Use the genitive, 📪, Use the genitive, 🛠️, 🏆

54 /26 Describe people in detail 📝
5, 5, 📪, 6, 4, 6, 5, 6, 📪, 4, 🏆
Describe landscapes, Talk about habits, 📪, Describe people in detail, 🛠️, Use the genitive, Describe landscapes, Describe people in detail, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆

55 /27
6, 6, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆
Use the genitive, Describe people in detail, Path Extension Practices, 🏆

Path Extension Practices: /

Section 4: Champion

56 /
5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

57 /
5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

58 /
5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

59 /
5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

60 /
5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

61 /
5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

62 /
5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

63 /
5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

64 /
5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

65 /
5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

66 /
5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

67 /
5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 🏆

68 /
5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 🏆

69 /
5, 5, 📪, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 📪, 5, 🏆

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Each Goal has 8 challenges, to get the Legendary trophy

Each Unit has Levels and Chests, and each Level has Lessons.
Each Lesson has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Review has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Challenge has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)

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Re: Scottish Gaelic from English Course Data (69 Units)

Post by MatOzone »

1 Intro, Food, 📪, Intro, 🏆
2 Phrases, Food, 📪, 🛠️, Intro, Feelings, Phrases, 📪, Food, 🏆
3 About Me, 🛠️, 📪, Feelings, Phrases, Clothes, About Me, 📪, Feelings, 🛠️, 🏆
4 Pets, Clothes, 📪, About Me, Weather, Pets, 🛠️, 📪, Clothes, 🏆
5 Phrases 2, Weather, Pets, 📪, Rain etc., 🛠️, 📪, Phrases 2, Weather, 🏆
6 Numbers, Rain etc., 📪, Phrases 2, 🛠️, Family, Numbers, 📪, Rain etc., 🏆
7 Numbers 2, 🛠️, Family, 📪, Numbers, Food 2, 📪, Numbers 2, 🛠️, 🏆
8 Family, Colors, 📪, Food 2, Numbers 2, 🛠️, Home, 📪, Colors, 🏆
9 Food 2, About Me 2, 📪, 🛠️, Home, Colors, Phrases 3, 📪, About Me 2, 🛠️, 🏆
10 Home, Body, 📪, Phrases 3, About Me 2, 🛠️, Animals, 📪, Body, 🏆
11 Phrases 3, Names, 🛠️, 📪, Animals, Body, Hobbies, 📪, Names, 🛠️, 🏆
12 Animals, Travel, 📪, Hobbies, Names, 🛠️, Names 2, 📪, Travel, 🏆
13 Hobbies, Feelings 2, 🛠️, Names 2, 📪, Travel, Countries, 📪, Feelings 2, 🛠️, 🏆
14 Names 2, Pets 2, 📪, Countries, Feelings 2, 🛠️, Body 2, 📪, Pets 2, 🏆
15 Countries, Days, 📪, 🛠️, Body 2, Pets 2, Family 2, 📪, Days, 🛠️, 🏆
16 Body 2, Sport, 📪, Family 2, Days, 🛠️, Food 3, 📪, Sport, 🏆
17 Family 2, Time, 🛠️, 📪, Food 3, Sport, Weather 2, 📪, Time, 🛠️, 🏆
18 Food 3, Home 2, 📪, Weather 2, Time, 🛠️, Work, 📪, Home 2, 🏆
19 Weather 2, Sayings, 🛠️, 📪, Work, Home 2, 📪, Languages, 🛠️, 🏆
20 Sayings, Work, The Sea, 📪, 🛠️, Languages, Sayings, Hobbies 2, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
21 The Sea, Languages, 📪, School, 🛠️, Hobbies 2, The Sea, 📪, Arts, 🛠️, 🏆
22 School, Hobbies 2, Compare, 🛠️, 📪, Arts, School, Work 2, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
23 Compare, Arts, Shop, 📪, 🛠️, Work 2, Compare, 📪, Forest, 🛠️, 🏆
24 Shop, Work 2, 📪, Food 4, 🛠️, Forest, Shop, Sport 2, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
25 Food 4, Forest, Drink, 🛠️, 📪, Sport 2, Food 4, 📪, Numbers 3, 🛠️, 🏆
26 Drink, Sport 2, Dòtaman, 📪, 🛠️, Numbers 3, Drink, Towns, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
27 Dòtaman, Numbers 3, 📪, News, 🛠️, Towns, Dòtaman, 📪, Islands, 🛠️, 🏆
28 News, Towns, About Me 3, 🛠️, 📪, Islands, News, Fashion, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
29 About Me 3, Islands, Work 3, 📪, 🛠️, Fashion, About Me 3, 📪, Senses, 🛠️, 🏆
30 Work 3, Fashion, 📪, Holidays, 🛠️, Senses, Work 3, Tech, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
31 Holidays, Senses, Cooking, 🛠️, 📪, Tech, Holidays, 📪, Months, 🛠️, 🏆
32 Cooking, Tech, Numbers 4, 📪, 🛠️, Months, Cooking, Months 2, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
33 Numbers 4, Months, 📪, Emotion, 🛠️, Months 2, Numbers 4, 📪, Family 3, 🛠️, 🏆
34 Emotion, Months 2, Travel 2, 🛠️, 📪, Family 3, Emotion, Seasons, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
35 Travel 2, Family 3, Questions, 📪, 🛠️, Seasons, Travel 2, 📪, Health, 🛠️, 🏆
36 Questions, Seasons, 📪, Cèilidh, 🛠️, Health, Questions, Mountain, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
37 Cèilidh, Health, Beach, 🛠️, 📪, Mountain, Cèilidh, 📪, Highland, 🛠️, 🏆
38 Beach, Mountain, Politics, 📪, 🛠️, Highland, Beach, Lowland, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
39 Politics, Highland, 📪, History, 🛠️, Lowland, Politics, 📪, Flirting, 🛠️, 🏆
40 History, Lowland, History 2, 🛠️, 📪, Flirting, History, Highland 2, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
41 History 2, Flirting, Crofting, 📪, 🛠️, Highland 2, History 2, 📪, Describing, 🛠️, 🏆
42 Crofting, Highland 2, 📪, Alba Nuadh, 🛠️, Describing, Crofting, Home 3, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
43 Alba Nuadh, Describing, Fighting, 🛠️, 📪, Home 3, Alba Nuadh, 📪, Spiritual, 🛠️, 🏆
44 Fighting, Home 3, About Us, 📪, 🛠️, Spiritual, Fighting, Europe, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
45 About Us, Spiritual, 📪, Work 4, 🛠️, Europe, About Us, 📪, Relative, 🛠️, 🏆
46 Work 4, Europe, Mòd, 🛠️, 📪, Relative, Work 4, Hope, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
47 Mòd, Relative, World, 📪, 🛠️, Hope, Mòd, 📪, I Can, 🛠️, 🏆
48 World, Hope, 📪, Homework, 🛠️, I Can, World, I Need, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
49 Homework, I Can, Garden, 🛠️, 📪, I Need, Homework, 📪, Science, 🛠️, 🏆
50 Garden, I Need, The Wild, 📪, 🛠️, Science, Garden, Proverbs, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
51 The Wild, Science, 📪, I Would, 🛠️, Proverbs, The Wild, 📪, Màiri, 🛠️, 🏆
52 I Would, Proverbs, Genitive, 🛠️, 📪, Màiri, I Would, I Would 2, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
53 Genitive, Màiri, Landscape, 📪, 🛠️, I Would 2, Genitive, 📪, Genitive 2, 🛠️, 🏆
54 Landscape, I Would 2, 📪, Iain, 🛠️, Genitive 2, Landscape, Iain, 📪, 🛠️, 🏆
55 Genitive 2, Iain, Path Extension Practices, 🏆
56 to 69 Path Extension Practices

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