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Italian from English Course Data (57 Units)

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Italian from English Course Data (57 Units)

Post by MatOzone »

Italian from English 57 units (2023-Apr-06):
NOT CEFR aligned
492 levels ㅤ2357 lessons ㅤ51 Stories
Path imageHintsWords
numberOfSentences=16533 ㅤ numberOfWords=2826 ㅤ wordsLearned=2960 (3002) ㅤ JSON

Units 47 to 57 have alternative names.

Unit 1 Order in a cafe, introduce yourself (Guidebook)
Alternative name Learn simple sentences and fundamental concepts
4, 5, 4, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Cafe, Basics, Cafe, Chest, Good Morning (L), Review

Unit 2 Talk about family, navigate a city (Guidebook)
Alternative name Learn useful phrases for everyday conversations
5, 4, 5, Chest, 4, Story, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal
Family, Practice, Basics, Chest, Cafe, A Date (L), City, Family, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 3 Use adjectives (Guidebook)
5, Story, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, Story, 1 = Goal
Basics, One Thing (L), People, Chest, City, Family, Chest, Practice, Surprise (L), Review

Unit 4 Order in a restaurant, buy things in a store (Guidebook)
5, 5, Chest, 5, Story, 4, 6, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal
Restaurant, People, Chest, City, In the Museum (L), Practice, Store, Chest, Restaurant, Review

Unit 5 Use regular verbs (Guidebook)
5, Story, 6, Chest, 5, 6, Chest, 5, Story, 1 = Goal
People, Honeymoon (L), Small Talk, Chest, Practice, Store, Chest, Restaurant, The Red Jacket (L), Review

Unit 6 Say what you like, ask for help (Guidebook)
6, 6, Chest, 5, Story, 6, 6, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Plans, Small Talk, Chest, Practice, The Exam (L), Store, I'm Lost!, Chest, A Little Bit of Money (L), Review

Unit 7 Use basic phrases (Guidebook)
6, 4, 6, Story, Chest, 4, 6, Chest, 6, 5, 1 = Goal
Plans, Practice, Small Talk, Saturday Night (L), Chest, Basics 1, I'm Lost!, Chest, Plans, Practice, Review

Unit 8 Describe basic actions (Guidebook)
6, 4, Chest, 6, 2, 5, 6, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Basics 2, Basics 1, Chest, I'm Lost!, Phrases, Practice, Basics 2, Chest, The Stranger (L), Review

Unit 9 Talk about food, form the plurals (Guidebook)
4, 7, Chest, 4, 2, 6, 5, Chest, 7, 5, 1 = Goal
Basics 1, Food, Chest, Practice, Phrases, Basics 2, Plurals, Chest, Food, Practice, Review

Unit 10 Talk about animals, talk about food and drink (Guidebook)
2, 5, Chest, Story, 5, 4, 7, Chest, 8, 1 = Goal
Phrases, Animals, Chest, The Dance Class (L), Plurals, Practice, Food, Chest, Food 2, Review

Unit 11 Describe possessions (Guidebook)
5, 5, 5, Chest, 6, 8, 5, Chest, Story, 4, 1 = Goal
Animals, Plurals, Practice, Chest, Possession, Food 2, Animals, Chest, Need Help? (L), Practice, Review

Unit 12 Discuss clothing, ask questions (Guidebook)
5, 6, Chest, 8, 4, 5, 5, Chest, 6, 1 = Goal
Clothing, Possession, Chest, Food 2, Questions, Practice, Clothing, Chest, Possession, Review

Unit 13 Talk about the present, describe colors (Guidebook)
7, 4, 5, Story, Chest, 5, 3, Chest, 7, 4, 1 = Goal
Present 1, Questions, Practice, The Garden (L), Chest, Clothing, Colors, Chest, Present 1, Practice, Review

Unit 14 Form complex sentences, talk about places (Guidebook)
4, 3, Chest, 3, 7, 5, 9, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Questions, Conjunct., Chest, Colors, Present 1, Practice, Prep., Chest, A Strange Noise (L), Review

Unit 15 Express dates and times, describe your family (Guidebook)
3, 3, Chest, 4, 9, 9, 3, Chest, 4, 5, 1 = Goal
Conjunct., Colors, Chest, Practice, Time, Prep., Conjunct., Chest, Family 2, Practice, Review

Unit 16 Talk about quantity (Guidebook)
9, Story, Chest, 9, 4, 4, 4, Chest, 9, 1 = Goal
Time, Visiting Paris (L), Chest, Prep., Measure., Practice, Family 2, Chest, Time, Review

Unit 17 Talk about occupations, describe your home (Guidebook)
4, 4, 5, Chest, 4, Story, 8, Chest, 4, 4, 1 = Goal
Occupation, Measure., Practice, Chest, Family 2, The New Mall (L), Household, Chest, Occupation, Practice, Review

Unit 18 Describe people and things, talk about habits (Guidebook)
4, 10, Chest, 8, 4, 5, 8, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Measure., Adject. 1, Chest, Household, Occupation, Practice, Present 2, Chest, Happy Birthday (L), Review

Unit 19 Use adverbs, describe places (Guidebook)
10, 8, 4, 10, Chest, 8, 10, Chest, 6, 5, 1 = Goal
Adject. 1, Household, Practice, Adverbs, Chest, Present 2, Adject. 1, Chest, Places, Practice, Review

Unit 20 Identify common objects (Guidebook)
10, Story, Chest, 8, 5, 4, 6, Chest, 10, 1 = Goal
Adverbs, The Perfect Vacation (L), Chest, Present 2, Objects, Practice, Places, Chest, Adverbs, Review

Unit 21 Describe people, use pronouns (Guidebook)
5, 5, Chest, 5, 6, Story, 4, Chest, 5, 4, 1 = Goal
People 2, Objects, Chest, Practice, Places, The Tourist (L), Clitics-1, Chest, People 2, Practice, Review

Unit 22 Use numbers (Guidebook)
5, Story, 9, 3, Chest, 4, 5, Story, Chest, 3, 1 = Goal
Objects, Let's Go to the Beach! (L), Numbers, Practice, Chest, Clitics-1, People 2, An Interesting Conversation (L), Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 23 Describe what's around you (Guidebook)
7, 9, 4, Chest, 4, Story, 9, Chest, 7, 3, 1 = Goal
Determin., Numbers, Clitics-1, Chest, Practice, I'm Ready! (L), Present 3, Chest, Determin., Practice, Review

Unit 24 Use the present perfect (Guidebook)
9, Story, Chest, 10, 3, 9, 7, Story, Chest, 3, 1 = Goal
Numbers, Three Months (L), Chest, Pres. Per., Practice, Present 3, Determin., Drawing in the Park (L), Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 25 Describe people, use the infinitive (Guidebook)
9, 10, 9, 4, Chest, Story, 10, 9, Chest, 3, Story, 1 = Goal
Adject. 2, Pres. Per., Present 3, Practice, Chest, An Important Job (L), Infinit. 1, Adject. 2, Chest, Practice, A New Place (L), Review

Unit 26 Use pronouns (Guidebook)
10, 7, 3, Chest, Story, 10, 9, 3, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Pres. Per., Pronouns, Practice, Chest, Too Dangerous (L), Infinit. 1, Adject. 2, Practice, Chest, The Big Game (L), Review

Unit 27 Speak formally, tell others what to do (Guidebook)
2, 7, Chest, 3, Story, 10, 6, Chest, 3, Story, 1 = Goal
Formal You, Pronouns, Chest, Practice, Alert! 1/2 (L), Infinit. 1, Imperative, Chest, Practice, Alert! 2/2 (L), Review

Unit 28 Discuss student life (Guidebook)
2, 7, 3, Story, Chest, 8, 6, 3, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Formal You, Pronouns, Practice, A New Job (L), Chest, Education, Imperative, Practice, Chest, Last Stop (L), Review

Unit 29 Talk about travel (Guidebook)
2, 10, 3, Chest, Story, 8, 6, Chest, 3, Story, 1 = Goal
Formal You, Travel 2, Practice, Chest, Is That You? (L), Education, Imperative, Chest, Practice, The Ex-Boyfriend (L), Review

Unit 30 Give directions, describe your childhood (Guidebook)
6, 10, Chest, 3, Story, 8, 9, 3, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Directions, Travel 2, Chest, Practice, The Song (L), Education, Past Imp., Practice, Chest, New Teacher (L), Review

Unit 31 Express feelings (Guidebook)
6, 10, 3, Story, Chest, 7, 9, Chest, 3, Story, 1 = Goal
Directions, Travel 2, Practice, Free Pizza (L), Chest, Feelings, Past Imp., Chest, Practice, The Art Museum (L), Review

Unit 32 Discuss abstract concepts (Guidebook)
6, 9, 3, Chest, Story, 7, 9, 3, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Directions, Abs. Ob. 1, Practice, Chest, The Party 1/2 (L), Feelings, Past Imp., Practice, Chest, The Party 2/2 (L), Review

Unit 33 Talk about sports (Guidebook)
6, 9, Chest, 3, Story, 7, 7, Chest, 3, Story, 1 = Goal
Sports, Abs. Ob. 1, Chest, Practice, The Birthday Present (L), Feelings, Past Per., Chest, Practice, The Bad Movie (L), Review

Unit 34 Describe things (Guidebook)
6, 9, 3, Story, Chest, 10, 7, 3, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Sports, Abs. Ob. 1, Practice, A Letter to Natalie 1/2 (L), Chest, Adject. 3, Past Per., Practice, Chest, A Letter to Natalie 2/2 (L), Review

Unit 35 Use adverbs (Guidebook)
6, 9, 3, Chest, Story, 10, 7, Chest, 3, Story, 1 = Goal
Sports, Adverbs 2, Practice, Chest, Going Home (L), Adject. 3, Past Per., Chest, Practice, Basketball Practice (L), Review

Unit 36 Discuss abstract concepts, use the infinitive (Guidebook)
9, 9, Chest, 3, Story, 10, 11, 3, Chest, Story, 1 = Goal
Abs. Ob. 2, Adverbs 2, Chest, Practice, The Apartment Building (L), Adject. 3, Infinit. 2, Practice, Chest, The Fishing Trip (L), Review

Unit 37 Talk about your health (Guidebook)
9, 9, 3, Chest, Story, 10, Chest, 11, 3, 1 = Goal
Abs. Ob. 2, Adverbs 2, Practice, Chest, In the Forest 1/2 (L), Medical, Chest, Infinit. 2, Practice, Review

Unit 38 Talk about the future, use gerunds (Guidebook)
9, 9, 10, Chest, 4, 11, 11, 9, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Abs. Ob. 2, Future, Medical, Chest, Practice, Infinit. 2, Gerund, Future, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 39 Discuss art, talk about the future (Guidebook)
10, 8, Chest, 11, 4, 9, 7, Chest, 8, 4, 1 = Goal
Medical, Arts, Chest, Gerund, Practice, Future, Fut. Per., Chest, Arts, Practice, Review

Unit 40 Discuss abstract concepts (Guidebook)
11, 5, 7, 4, Chest, 8, 9, 5, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Gerund, Abs. Ob. 3, Fut. Per., Practice, Chest, Arts, Subj. Pres, Abs. Ob. 3, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 41 Discuss science, use the conditional (Guidebook)
7, 6, 9, Chest, 4, 5, 9, Chest, 6, 4, 1 = Goal
Fut. Per., Science, Subj. Pres, Chest, Practice, Abs. Ob. 3, V. Cond., Chest, Science, Practice, Review

Unit 42 Use modals, use conditionals (Guidebook)
9, 3, Chest, 9, 4, 6, 7, 3, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Subj. Pres, V. Modal, Chest, V. Cond., Practice, Science, Cond. Per., V. Modal, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 43 Discuss communication, talk about nature (Guidebook)
9, 6, 7, 4, Chest, 3, 9, Chest, 6, 4, 1 = Goal
V. Cond., Communic., Cond. Per., Practice, Chest, V. Modal, Nature, Chest, Communic., Practice, Review

Unit 44 Use the past subjunctive, discuss business (Guidebook)
7, 7, 9, Chest, 4, 6, 9, 7, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Cond. Per., Subj. Per., Nature, Chest, Practice, Communic., Business, Subj. Per., Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 45 Use the past subjunctive, talk about the past (Guidebook)
9, 9, Chest, 9, 4, 7, 9, Chest, 9, 4, 1 = Goal
Nature, Subj. Imp., Chest, Business, Practice, Subj. Per., Past, Chest, Subj. Imp., Practice, Review

Unit 46 Discuss spirituality, talk about politics (Guidebook)
9, 5, 9, 4, Chest, 9, 9, 5, Chest, 4, 1 = Goal
Business, Spiritual, Past, Practice, Chest, Subj. Imp., Politics, Spiritual, Chest, Practice, Review

Unit 47
9, 9, 5, Chest, 4, 9, Chest, Story, 5, 1 = Goal
Past, Politics, Spiritual, Chest, Practice, Politics, Chest, In the Forest 2/2 (L), Path Extension Practice, Review

Path Extension Practices:

Unit 48
5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 49
5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 50
5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 51
5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 52
5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 53
5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 54
5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 55
5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 56
5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 1 = Goal

Unit 57
5, 5, Chest, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, Chest, 5, 1 = Goal

ㅤㅤ Image

Each Goal has 8 challenges, to get the Legendary trophy

Each Unit has Levels and Chests, and each Level has Lessons.
Each Lesson has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Goal has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)
Each Challenge has from 2 to 18 exercises (usually 15)

I fully support 🇺🇦!

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