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[ARCHIVE] Passive type 1 and 2 , Tips & Notes, Addendum

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[ARCHIVE] Passive type 1 and 2 , Tips & Notes, Addendum

Post by Fnirk1 »

Originally posted by: Rick392366

A passive sentence can be constructed in two ways :
-1) using a verb with the 'di-' prefix.
-2) using a verb without the 'di-' prefix.

How to transform an active sentence into a passive sentence:

Passive type 1:
1) Switch position of [Subject] and [Object].
2) Change prefix 'me-' with prefix 'di-' for the [Predicate].
3) Add 'oleh' in front of the new [Object]. (the agent/actor).
If the passive 'di-' verb is directly followed by the agent/actor, then 'oleh' is optional.
If the passive 'di-' verb is directly followed by something else than the agent/actor, then 'oleh' is mandatory.

Passive type 2:
1) Move [Object] to the beginning of the sentence.
2) Drop the 'me-' prefix for the [Predicate].
3) Move [Subject] to position before the verb. \n(nothing comes between the agent/actor and the verb).

Examples passive type 1:
(118) Pak Toha mengangkat seorang asisten baru.
(124b) Seorang asisten baru diangkat (oleh) Pak Toha.
'oleh' is optional here, because the passive 'di-' verb is followed directly by the agent ('Pak Toha').
(118) Pak Toha appoints a new assistant.
(124b) A new assistant has been appointed by Pak Toha.

(120) Pak Saleh harus memperbaiki dengan segera rumah tua itu.
(126a) Rumah tua itu harus diperbaiki dengan segera oleh Pak Saleh. (126b) Rumah tua itu harus diperbaiki segera Pak Saleh. <==tidak gramatikal
'oleh' must be used here, because the passive 'di-' verb is not directly followed by the agent ('Pak Saleh').
(120) Pak Saleh must immediately fix that old house.
(126a) That old house must be fixed immediately by Pak Saleh.

Examples passive type 1 and type 2:
(130a) Mereka akan membersihkan ruangan ini.
(130p1) Ruangan ini akan dibersihkan (oleh) mereka. <== passive type 1, using 'di-'verb (oleh)
(130p2) Ruangan ini akan mereka bersihkan. <== passive type 2, no prefix for the verb (agent+verb).
(130a) They will clean this room.
(130p) This room will be cleaned by them.

(131a) Dia sudah membaca buku itu.
(131p1) Buku itu sudah dibaca olehnya / (oleh) dia. <== passive type 1, using 'di-'verb (oleh)
(131p2) Buku itu sudah dia baca. <== passive type 2, no prefix for the verb.
(131a) He has already read that book.
(131p) That book has already been read by him.

(132a) Ayah belum mendengar berita itu.
(132p1) Berita itu belum didengar (oleh) Ayah. <== passive type 1, using 'di-' verb (oleh)
(132p2) Berita itu belum Ayah dengar. <== passive type 2, no prefix for the verb.
(132a) Father has not yet heard that news.
(132p) That news has not yet been heard by father.

Examples passive type 2 ([Subject] = 1st person, 2nd person):
(122) Saya sudah mencuci mobil itu.
(128c) Mobil itu sudah saya cuci.
(128d) Mobil itu sudah kucuci. (aku ==> 'ku-' ; prefixed to the verb)
(122) I already washed that car.
(128c) That car has already been washed by me.

(123) Kamu mencium pipi anak itu.
(129) Pipi anak itu kamu cium.
(129b) Pipi anak itu kaucium. (engkau ==> 'kau-' ; prefixed to the verb)
(123) You kiss the cheeks of that child.
(129) The cheeks of that child have been kissed by you.

Here are links to sentence discussions where passive type 2 is used:

You can flip through the cards of the following Tinycards deck to see more examples of the passive voice: ... -indonesia

Source : TBBI, Tata Bahasa Baku Bahasa Indonesia (Edisi Ketiga), Bab Kalimat Pasif.

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