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[ARCHIVE] [RuwaydaAtH] Grammar in Arabic: Cases - Part 3 [Genitive]

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[ARCHIVE] [RuwaydaAtH] Grammar in Arabic: Cases - Part 3 [Genitive]

Post by Fnirk1 »

Originally posted by: RuwaydaAtH

Yep I've got so much spare time in my hands to do another post. Thank God that it's the end of the year! XD


![]( ... arabic.jpg)

So today we'll be doing the genitive case also known in Arabic as المجرور al-majruur.

This case is marked by a kasra which is a little line underneath the letter which looks like this:

![]( ... -Kasra.png)

This case is used in 3 circumstances.

1- The object of a preposition

إلى اليمين (ila l-yamiini) to the right

في المكتبةِ0 (fi l-maktabati) in the library

2- ظرف مكان وظرف زمان - the object of a locative adverb

تحتَ نورِ الشمسِ (taHta nuuri sh-shamsi) under the sunlight (lit. light of the sun)

قبلَ أيامٍ (qabla ayyaamin) [a few] days ago (lit. before days) - Note the nunation of the indefinite noun أيام.\

3- المضاف اليه - the second term of an iDaafah

NB: IDaafah is a grammatical structure, mostly used to indicate possession. IDaafah basically entails putting one noun after another: the second noun specifies more precisely the nature of the first noun.

مديرُ المؤسسةِ (mudiiru l-mu'assasati) the foundation's director (or \"the director of the foundation\")

غرفة التجارةِ (ghurfatu t-tijaarati)\nthe chamber of commerce

Next time we'll be doing the accusative case and trust me that'll be much longer. ^-^

For now................
![]( ... 837_01.gif)

Peace be upon you all and have a good day/night! ^-^

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