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قائمة كلمات اللغة الإنجليزية

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قائمة كلمات اللغة الإنجليزية

Post by dakanga »

نظرة عامة على المسار

الوحدة الأولى
أساسيات 1
man, woman, I, am, a, boy, girl
he, is, she, an, apple, and, eat
eats, the, bread, drink, drinks, water
أساسيات 2
boys, girls, we, read, newspaper, men, women
you, are, milk, sandwich, rice, they, child
reads, book, menu, it, children, have, has
العبارات الشائعة
hello, bye, thanks, you, yes, no, please
fine, morning, night, sorry, welcome, not
speak, speaks, English, goodbye
الطعام 1
chicken, tea, food, banana, candy, hungry
orange, pasta, salad, falafel, thirsty, fried
cheese, oil, meal, chocolate, kebab, grilled
cat, dog, horse, bird, elephant, duck, turtle
crab, spider, animal, bear, mouse, camel
lion, cow, insect, snake, rabbit, whale
apples, books, newspapers, cats, dogs, horses, elephants
ducks, turtles, animals, birds, plates, sandwiches
ضمائر الملكية
his, her, my, its, their, our, your
yours, 's, ours, mine
ضمائر المفعول به
her, them, us, him, me, you, it
ملخص الوحدة الأولىالكلمات127

الوحدة الثانية
wear, wears, shirt, shoe, skirt, coat, dress
pants, clothes, suit, hat
الطعام 2
breakfast, fish, egg, tomato, pork, vegetarian, coffee
lunch, fruit, juice, dinner, soup, beer, plate, lemon
salt, sugar, beef, meat, strawberry, wine
الأفعال: المضارع
write, writes, walks, walk, swims, swim, see
sees, cook, cooks, sleep, sleeps, run, runs
want, wants, like, likes, pay, pays, goes
go, play, plays, use, love, loves, rains
touch, hear, listen, hears, listens, say, says
tell, make, find, work, support, need, know
take, design, show
red, orange, white, black, blue, yellow, green
gray, color, brown, colorful, pink, purple
what, where, how, why, who, whose
which, when, question, answer, do, have, does
أدوات العطف
if, because, or, but, when, while, whenever, that
حروف الجر
from, in, on, at, of, between, by
for, about, without, with, to, like, as
after, out, under, off, during, among, behind
towards, near, over, except, against
التواريخ والزمن
today, tomorrow, tonight, night, morning, afternoon, time
calendar, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, day
saturday, sunday, year, age, week, month, hour
january, february, march, april, date, may, june
july, august, september, october, november, december, season
winter, spring, summer, fall, period, minute, century
party, stage, generation, birth, moment, evening, fair
decade, second, bit, until
mother, father, parent, son, daughter, brother, sister
sibling, husband, wife, uncle, aunt, family, marriage
dad, grandmother, grandfather, name
ملخص الوحدة الثانيةالكلمات211

الوحدة الثالثة
student, doctor, work, author, job, model, staff
director, career, police, artist, secretary, worker, lawyer
professional, judge, writer, officer, guard, actor, captain
soldier, boss, profession, farmer, architect, engineer, waiter, waitress, cook
الصفات: 1
little, tired, bilingual, same, next, general, real
local, special, open, own, personal, main, private
clean, dirty, different, left, human, recent, legal
important, professional, available, future, possible, popular, living
official, final, whole, necessary, military, independent, responsible
excellent, perfect, beautiful, modern, positive, normal, minimum
traditional, wrong, historical, cultural, interesting, religious, serious
famous, negative, efficient, expensive, familiar, impossible, alive
convenient, opposite, afraid, sad, frequent, wooden
الأفعال: المضارع 2
sign, open, think, change, return, call, save
look, live, come, study, offers, give, offer
needs, try, includes, ask, present, works, talk
mark, feel, makes, shows, remember, stop, wish
hope, searches, fail, include, pass, raise, believe
follow, returns, thank, comes, consider, takes, seems
rest, answers, starts, ends, trust
ظرف الحال
there, very, too, now, more, so, as
never, then, here, pretty, always, also, once
only, just, well, even, much, still, however
really, again, yet, away, already, least, ever
else, usually, far, currently, later, enough, soon
almost, late, especially, finally, sometimes, easily, generally
completely, approximately, exactly, clearly, anywhere, twice, possibly
normally, neither, nor, necessarily, definitely, slowly, perfectly, together
house, restaurant, beach, hotel, yard, bathroom, kitchen
airport, street, city, castle, country, place
along, into, home, site, center, office, area
address, department, property, room, market, park, building
garden, region, island, front, district, bank, bar
inside, station, ground, valley, museum, coast, zone
corner, avenue, route, neighborhood, border, tower, cinema
prison, palace, town, capital, community, port, right
square, top, west, north, farm, zoo
table, bed, chair, bowl, spoon, bottle, magazine
window, television, computer, radio, mirror, clock, cellphone
watch, sofa, lamp, desk, basket, battery, soap
bedsheet, wallet, door, box, tv, screen, razor
toothpaste, telephone, wall, floor, bag, wheel, umbrella
roof, cabinet, letter, key, pool, sponge, thing
bell, scissors, glass, cup, phone, pan, paper
engine, object, machine, string, piece, sheet, motor
root, chain, flag, novel, powder, comb, through
fork, knife, toothbrush
person, baby, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, public, enemy
human, committee, conference, culture, foundation, population, youth
relationship, village, individual, couple, lady, citizen, victim, people
travel, travels, car, bicycle, suitcase, bus, train
motorcycle, boat, airplane, drive, backpack, guide, visit
spanish, portuguese, map, road, ship, vehicle, transportation
trip, italian, french, flight, adventure, bridge, plane
journey, german, departure, tourist, subway, America, France
Germany, England, Europe, China, abroad, south, French
Italian, Chinese, international, american, european, around, turn, turns, passport
that, this, one, these
those, no, all, everybody, every
any, other, another, each, something, such, both
few, everything, none, someone, nothing, anything, everyone, nobody, anybody
one, two, three, four, five, some, more
less, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, many
last, first, number, much, million, third, amount
eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen
eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty
seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, enough, thousands, sum
majority, fourth, meter, pair, average, half, per, total
الأفعال: المضارع 3
uses, contains, gets, respect, calls, agree, gives
appear, watches, count, looks, miss, lives, follows
fill, produce, reserve, appears, signs, mix, dry
fly, import, helps, spend, supports, knows, continues
deliver, leaves, begins, presents, hate, assumes, tells
finds, counts, serves, creates, believes, adds, talks
visits, introduce, demands, feels, opens, explains, reserves
arrive, receives, wins, cuts, puts, thinks, produces
announce, wishes, fits, delivers, asks, tries, sing
put, allows, sets
studies, teacher, note, pen, school, program, education
section, course, library, test, application, study, example
class, word, knowledge, chapter, practice, institute, idea
professor, presentation, preparation, university, lecture, explanation, difficulty
college, objective, meaning, teaching, training, history, page, report, document
ملخص الوحدة الثالثةالكلمات579

الوحدة الرابعة
الأفعال: الماضي
was, were, ate, drank, went, cooked, spoke
yesterday, walked, liked, wanted, loved, rained, touched
recently, played, heard, listened, saw, had, said
born, told, made, used, found, left, put
called, started, thought, lost, came, took, wrote
informed, gave, died, turned, tried, supported, decided
returned, looked, felt, knew, performed, kept, beat
introduced, won, happened, finished, reached, showed, entered
opened, seemed, appeared, explained, stopped, fell, answered
stayed, talked, watched
الأفعال: المصدر
do, does, write, walk, swim, be, see
cook, sleep, have, run, want, like, pay
let, go, speak, play, use, love
close, rent, rain, touch, hear, listen, say
place, tell, get, make, exercise, help, find
work, buy, add, need, set, know, take
show, open, think, change, return, call, visit
learn, look, live, start, come, study, give
sell, create, offer, keep, enter, try, ask, drive
الأفعال: الماضي 2
did, eat, see, go, drink, hear, say
like, tell, make, answer, do, speak, talk
find, want, follow, play, know, use, ask
add, look, feel, watch, happen, leave, remember
have, write, love, work
الأشياء المجردة 1
love, part, view, service, list, system, review
order, group, way, type, design, case, version
member, control, change, call, account, profile, level
description, image, content, value, category, act, equipment
problem, side, performance, option, activity, result, issue
agreement, solution, production, protection, construction, response, turn
entry, effect, mind, wish, hope, union, opportunity
choice, degree, matter, voice, evidence, role, purpose
success, award, introduction, charge, grade, rest, subject
dark, alternative, kind, record, edge
تصريف الصفات
big, small, good, great, new, old, than
young, smaller, bigger, older, younger, pretty, less
prettier, free, best, full, long, large, cleaner
cheaper, hot, better, hard, able, short, bad
true, fast, clear, simple, nice, happy, strong
deep, poor, fair, cold, rich, sweet, sharp
pure, worse, worst, weak, tall, alone, ready, sure
الأفعال: الحاضر التام
have, has, read, been, cooked, walked, wanted
previously, rained, played, heard, eaten, spoken, previous
seen, had, since, paid, told, left, come
before, given, become, put, called, written, done
ago, received, taken, asked, lost, sent, developed
presented, closed, changed, produced, met, turned, tried
felt, followed, gone, prepared, performed, introduced, forced
reduced, won, opened, ordered, lived, stopped, arrived
missed, assumed, allowed, known, finished, drunk, said, passed
الأفعال: المصدر 2
talk, meet, feel, cover, choose, remember, increase
stay, build, continue, apply, stop, believe, leave
though, answer, how, allow, win, improve, cut
repeat, wake, understand, let, lets, consider, develop
die, agree, appear, fit, count, miss, accept
begin, avoid, prevent, produce, serve, wait, define
reach, finish, beat, achieve, exist, affect, explain
assume, respond, lose, forget, prepare, hate, introduce
shut, belong, suffer, recover, analyze, read, eat, drink
ضمائر الوصل
which, where, whose, whom, what, who
الأفعال: الماضي التام
had, walked, heard, eaten, found, come, given
called, written, taken, lost, cut, established, led
closed, died, tried, decided, felt, gone, opened
lived, discovered, arrived, assumed, earned, known
الأشياء المجردة 2
respect, title, benefit, situation, religion, effort, attention
interest, competition, life, load, permission, faith, truth
failure, signal, character, reality, origin, damage, secret
direction, lack, scene, aim, behavior, signature, attempt
instance, circle, exit, symbol, position, strength, experience
shape, relation, fear, permit, doubt, humor, hate
possibility, desire, existence, pleasure, responsibility, space, consequence
surprise, tradition, conversation, trend, fault, favor, phrase
attitude, murder, mistake, honor, smile, danger, joy
entrance, shadow, memory, dream
الضمائر الانعكاسية
himself, herself, itself, myself, yourself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves
flower, tree, grass, sky, sea, moon, sun
world, rain, volcano, fire, air, field, star
land, weather, nature, river, earth, mountain, wood
up, forest, stone, wind, heat, rose, planet
down, climate, universe, leaf, landscape, soil, smoke
crop, gas, material, plant, light, dust, sand
ملخص الوحدة الرابعةالكلمات558

الوحدة الخامسة
الأفعال: صيغة المضارع المستمر
having, speaking, touching, making, following, including, getting
taking, trying, giving, thinking, talking, saying, waiting
watching, wearing, happening, studying, coming, walking, eating
drinking, going, swimming, looking, doing, reading, writing
raining, sleeping, seeing
cooking, running, paying, playing
working, starting, calling, leaving, sitting
ball, walk, sport, team, player, step, path
goal, point, game, scored, football, basketball, tennis
racket, volleyball, kick, jump, jumps, coach, exercise
match, marathon, exercises, gym, championship, athlete, swimming
violin, flute, music, camera, photo, movie, picture
film, art, style, sound, figure, song, photography
dance, instrument, literature, fashion, theater, poetry, concert
contest, opening, painting, audience, collection, band, actress, musical, paint
search, information, comment, network, press, text, story
channel, communication, news, message, internet, language, postcard
stamp, access, journalist
body, head, arm, leg, foot, hand
ear, eye, face, nose, skin
hair, tongue, tooth, mouth, lip, neck
back, chest, finger, brain, blood, heart
sick, treatment, medicine, health, help
ambulance, accident, hospital, emergency, care
pain, disease, drug, patient, operation
sight, diet, vision, cancer, virus
ill, condition, illness, appointment, nurse
الأفعال: المستقبل
will, add, be, break, change, choose, come
call, continue, cook, count, cover, drink, eat
exercise, fall, feel, find, finish, follow, get
arrive, give, go, happen, have, help, introduce
know, learn, leave, let, look, lose, make
miss, offer, pay, present, rain, read, receive
recover, reduce, remember, return, say, see, sell
serve, show, sleep, start, stay, swim, take
think, touch, try, use, walk, want, watch
write, access, register
security, law, government, tax, court, war, president
national, society, safety, advice, investment, vote, strategy
opinion, debt, progress, peace, economy, army, demand
crime, leader, freedom, argument, campaign, congress, election
queen, speech, violence, conflict, navy, candidate, threat
governor, senator, crisis, parliament, strike, mayor, wealth
blame, plan, decision, king, cause, weapon, arrest, prince
الأفعال: صيغة المستقبل التعبيري
going, achieve, add, allow, apply, arrive, ask
assume, be, believe, break, call, close, come
consider, continue, control, define, discover, drink, eat
establish, feel, find, finish, follow, forget, go
have, help, introduce, leave, listen, look, offer
open, place, prepare, present, prevent, put, rain
read, receive, recover, reduce, remember, resolve, see
sell, sleep, start, support, swim, tell, think
understand, wait, walk, want, win, write, transport
research, line, detail, technology, project, size, article
science, analysis, energy, edition, unit, weight, method
speed, volume, length, sample, distance, publication, theory
surface, definition, scale, temperature, technique, mass, task
limit, quantity, laboratory, depth, height, physics, philosophy
measure, concept, chemistry, discovery, formula, investigation, dot
scientist, geography, electric, discover, cycle, conclusion, reason, decrease, alcohol
الأفعال: المستقبل التام
will, have, found, called, received, created, taken
sent, died, decided, chosen, returned
الأفعال: الشكليّة
can, cannot, may, could, must, would, should
money, dollar, business, product, board, insurance, sale
card, credit, industry, offer, gold, trade, risk
brand, contract, deal, budget, agent, worth, currency
advertisement, promotion, prize, firm, advertising, cost, organization
lot, costs, interview, meeting, company, price, check, global
god, soul, mosque, church, heaven, hell, pray, prays
action, start, delivery, discussion, death, stop, traffic
attack, battle, noise, occasion
الأفعال: الشَّرطيّة التامة
would, have, been, had, written, considered, changed
managed, opened, discovered, returned, said
power, quality, look, beauty, force, difference, identity
expression, importance, luck, personality, advantage
ملخص الوحدة الخامسةالكلمات500

Last edited by Anonymous on Sat Apr 02, 2022 12:50 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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