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My detailed language learning plan

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Basler Biker

My detailed language learning plan

Post by Basler Biker »

You'll find here 2 alternatives of a detailed language learning plan, phased, and step by step.
One with explicit grammar teaching, the other one with implicit grammar learning.

With implicit grammar (embedded in the learning itself)
viewtopic.php?p=119261-detailed-plan-to ... ar#p119261

With explicit grammar explanations and exercises
viewtopic.php?t=35870-detailed-plan-to- ... cl-grammar

BB - Basler Biker
Positivity and constructiveness will prevail. Either you win or you learn, but you never lose.
Native :belgium: :netherlands: / fluent :fr: :de: :uk: / getting better every day :sweden: / fan of :switzerland: (bs/bl)

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