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New language request

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Please note that Duome cannot add new languages to Duolingo. We are not Duolingo. But you can open a new topic to talk about any language and share whatever lessons or resources you can find on the forum. Thanks for your collaboration!

United States of America

New language request

Post by Nejiten723 »

I think it would be incredibly useful to add a course for sign language on duolingo. I've been looking for a good free app to learn it on, but I cannot find one. I love the way duolingo teaches, and adding sign language to the list of languages you can learn would make learning it so much more accessible.

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Re: New language request

Post by gmads »

It would be useful, indeed, but they (duolingo) would need to add the corresponding sign language of at least the major languages, French, German &c.

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Re: New language request

Post by PtolemysXX »

Here are some links to other duome topics discussing the sign language:


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